8 Photos of happiness
8 Photos of happiness
I was tagged by Jennifer from My Brown Newfies to participate in the 8 photos of happiness. Thanks Jennifer!
This project was started by Ariel’s little corner of the internet, because we all need more happiness.
This is going to be tough. So many things make me happy. But I went back through my photos, and a few definitely stood out as making me especially happy.
First, this guy. Al is my everything. We have only been together 9 years but it feels like forever, or just yesterday. We say all the time we wished we had met 20 years sooner. Both our lives would have been much easier.
Our life. The circumstances behind us going full time in the RV could have been better, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. The places we get to go, the wonderful people we get to meet. None of that would be happening if we lived in a house in a city somewhere.
Roxy. This little girl came into my world 10 1/2 years ago. She came at the perfect time too. She is a joy, and a pleasure, every single day.
Torrey has been with us for 4 1/2 years. She made us laugh with her puppy antics, and still brings smiles to our faces everyday. She is happy, loves life, and shares that with everyone.
Our friends. This photo was taken at rendezvous a few years ago. These people are my dearest friends, and would be there for us no matter what. Good friends make me happy, and are worth their weight in gold.
My photography makes me really happy. I never in a million years would have dreamed that people would buy a photo I took. But more than anything, I like preserving where we have been, and what we have seen and experienced. It makes me really happy to get that “one good shot” on any given day.
My mountains, The Tetons. I have talked recently about how the Tetons hold my heart, and they do. When we return here, I am always so happy.
Our little spot in the desert. Just like returning to the Tetons, our little spot in the desert is like going home for me. I guess I have two happy homes, both of them out in the wide open spaces, but with very different terrain.
Looking at this list of happiness, I guess I am pretty easy to make happy. Simple, honest, beautiful things, make me happiest of all.
And now to tag some people to participate….
Ingrid at Live Laugh RV
Susan at Overcoming Bloglessness
Dorothy at Adventure Hounds
Nancy at Living the seasons
Daisy’s mom at Everyday adventures in Havachon heaven
No pressure guys, only if you want to.
I always enjoy your photos and these 8 are just fantastic. Great choices! Happy Monday!
many thanks for sharing such wonderful and happy moments with me. That are the reasons to be happy,I so agree… the one you love, dogs, friends and a special little spot what’s made for you :o)
Good morning Mary! WOW. First of all, when you mentioned your life with Al and how both of you wished you’d have met earlier in life, I had to think how lucky I am to have met my husband 35 years ago. For some wonderful reason out there in the big blue sky, we found each other early in our lives and we’ve been happy since. But the love you have now has no time frame on it, does it! Like you said, it feels like forever, and when happiness enters your life, time is erased. NOW FOR THAT HILARIOUS ROXY! teehehee….she looks like she’s posing!
What a life you lead. Anyone who is happy is doing something right, whether they are travelers such as you, or someone living in an apartment in the Bronx, or in a simple house in Minneapolis. If we feed our passions and try to make the world a better place, then happiness is a given.
You are lucky to have 35 wonderful years with your hubby, we are making up for lost time though. We know we are pretty lucky to live this life, and that we can actually make enough money on our own to support the life we want to live. And ya, Roxy is a hoot most of the time.
with all of the 1000s of photos that you take, that are all fabulous, I can imagine how hard it had to be to zero in on just eight! But…you did an amazing job of choosing. These are ALL incredible! I LOVE that photo of YOU taking a photo. That is just too cool, but I love them ALL!
Thanks Caren, it was fun going back through stuff. Al gets the credit for the photo of me though.
Just looking at your photos makes me feel happy inside!
They are all so beautiful. One of the things that makes me happy is having connected with you here in cyberland! I get to see the beauty of your world everytime I visit. How delightful.
Thanks! I am so glad we connected too.
I smile every time I read your posts, Mary, so you’re spreading your happiness and joyful life with many others. I love the life you all lead and I’m so happy to follow along in your journey.
I love hearing that people like to follow along on our journey, makes it all worth while.
Okay! I’m in.
I love your pictures and your lifestyle.
Yeah, I know you will have some great stuff to share.
If only I could figure out how to link it here…
Hey Mary that was a great happy story today with great pictures. So glad your loving your path your on together. Your tenasity for the search of that perfect photo and quest for a life of travel with your beloved its so refreshing. Keep on your journey as long as you can on this happy trail. Nobody is getting out alive; so enjoy while you can and make many memories.
I’m happy for you and Al that you found each other. You may not have as much quantity as some people but you definitley have the quality! Great photos! Especially love that one of Roxy. So adorable.
Thank you, Mary for sharing these beautiful photos of happiness! Wonderful selections, made me smile. :)
Wonderful representation, Mary!!
Love your choices it must have been so hard to choose with all the photos you take. Roxy is our favorite! Love Dolly
Awe, thank you for thinking of me. I seem to share similar ‘favorite places’… the desert in AZ and the mountains in Colorado. I think next year I need to check out your summer home in the Tetons. Your photos are top notch and no surprise people are willing to pay to have one of your or Al’s piece of stunning art in their homes.
You are very lucky to really be living the life you want to live and to be so happy. So many people never find their true place in life.
Hi Mary! Yes, we are very lucky, all four of us (you and Al, me and Ruben) for having found one another at just the right time. AND THAT ROXY GIRL! Give her a squeeze, and Torry too!
OMG I must have had a brain blip – I didn’t realize you’d tagged me until a couple people visited my blog and mentioned it! Thanks so much, Mary! :)
A lovely post, yes we all need more happiness :-)
Mary, your photos are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing little bits of your life through the eye of your camera!
Love these photos!