
A day in Algodones, Mexico — 33 Comments

  1. What a fun time, shopping and people watching.. And the dentist price without insurance was great… Loved the photos, have a happy day!

  2. Oh, the stories I could tell you about our times in Mexico!! I am so glad you had a good experience at the dentist!! Good to hear! The colors are wonderful, aren’t they?? I have gotten some WONDERFUL jewelry there! The one restaurant we ate at…nobody spoke English…not a soul. Found out after we left that we had been served GOAT! Yikes!! Glad you are in warm temps! I cannot wait to head south…

  3. Precious children, precious people. I am of Mexican heritage (my father was born in central Mexico of Spanish heritage from Spain) and once in a while, he’d drive us to T.J. and I remember seeing these dear kids, trying to sell Chiclets gum. Their experience as Hispanics was so different from my “cushy” life (or so I thought), living in the city in a clean home with food, shelter, clothing.

    You capture the colors of life Mary. So gorgeous. Anita

    • From past experience in TJ I was ready for the Chicle’ selling kids. I had a pocket full of quarters and 1 dollar bills. It is sad to see them. But I do know that they value the children so much there, and try their very best to take good care of them.

      • Yes, the Mexican people are hard-working and so warm! What a great family I had – all the aunts and uncles and cousins….such a rich life of fun and food, tradition and now all of that is memory.

  4. I love going to Mexico. I’ve been several times, on both coasts. You have to be comfortable haggling on prices or you will pay way too much for things. I remember on our very first trip back in the late 80’s, you even had to haggle on the price of taxi rides.

  5. can’t beat that, indeed! i paid $85 for a cleaning this week just for me. :)

    love these photos. you’re right about the kids working hard to support the families, though.

  6. I am so happy that I started following along – your travels and photos are so interesting! My mom was an ESL teacher and had a great love for South and Central American culture so I grew up with an appreciation for Mexico.

    • I’m very happy you are following along too! Mexico is a country with a lot of diversity. I have enjoyed every trip I have made there.

  7. Simply fantastic and I can feel the warmth of the sun through the photos. That pot is exquisite and those 2 handsome guys down near the bottom aren’t too shabby either! Glad all went well at the dentist and you are right ….can’t beat $60!

  8. The photos are beautiful and so, so colorful!

    I’m always saddened when I see the children, the impoverished and the animals. It breaks my heart and I wish there was a way I could help.

    • Yes on the dental work. I don’t know about other border towns, but Algodones caters to the dental and optical needs of Americans.

  9. Lots of Germans go to Cuba for vacation and to get dental work done because they do a wonderful job and it is so cheap. I’m sure if you have a good dentist in Mexico it is similar.

  10. Mike really loves to spend money when we travel because it’s an easy way to meet people and to practice his language skills. I can only imagine what he would have come up with in the market from your pictures.

    But your idea of thanking someone for allowing you to take pictures is one idea I’ll suggest to him. Images take up far less room than pots.

  11. $60 for both of you, seriously? No, you certainly can’t beat that. Along with the fact that they didn’t give Al a cleaning whether he needed it or not!
    The shopping looks like fun.

  12. That was a great and inexpensive dentist! It does sound like the locals are super nice but seeing the people barely scraping by always tugs at my heart. And then there are the dogs who have every rib visible…

    But the colors and festive atmosphere can’t be beat!

  13. My Papa has had a good experience with cheap and no-nonsense dentistry in Central America. Apparently he had a stubborn baby tooth that wouldn’t come out when he was a kid, and at the U.S. dentist could NOT handle a novocaine needle. So he went to a dentist in the D.R. She sat him down, put on latex gloves, and just yanked the tooth out by hand. Didn’t hurt him, or anyone’s wallet. ;)

    He also says that, apparently, cultures closer to the equator tend to recognize more distinct color categories. Guess things are just brighter as you get away from the poles. *wags* – Gilligan from

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