
After-Before Friday — 24 Comments

  1. AHHHHH! OK, the before photo is what usually happens to me when I take an exterior photo – it’s too realistic, to stark. But the enhanced photo is what I am after, but it’s all a matter of knowing what setting on either the camera or on the Photoshop to use! THANK YOU for your tips, Mary! Happy Friday! Anita

  2. That’s a really cool idea! I really like what you did with the photo. I think it’s so interesting to see different people’s takes on the same picture. Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Great job!I was not very happy with my version, I was way to rushed and didn’t really achieve what I was after. But you certainly did!

  4. You definitely clarified the statue, and I like how your editing made those little flowers stand out more too.

  5. I like your edits! I ought to check out what the rest did to this. I’m fascinated! (You definitely know more about good editing than I do!)

  6. How fun! And great minds think alike – you cropped and processed similar to what I did too. It looks good and I saw in your comment to me that you learned a few things in my post. That’s wonderful – glad I wrote it up. Let me know if you have any questions if you try any of it and can’t get it to work.


  7. Mary, it’s amazing the difference a warmer tone brings to the photo. It’s also interesting that the tone itself helps to blend in the background so it’s not as distracting – which allowed you to keep in more of the lovely light and shadows that Loré captured! Nicely done :)

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