
And still more desert flowers — 28 Comments

  1. What a lovely, lovely bouquet of wilderness Mary…BRAVO! Oh how I long to feel the warmth you must feel on your back as you go out to explore. Have a magnificent day! Anita

  2. Lovely flowers. Amazing how they can survive in such a harsh environment.

    Speaking of which, how are you guys holding up with the abnormally hot Spring weather there? Do you have a weather station on board to track temps? I’ve been following the weather at Quartzite and it’s supposed to be in the low 90’s today. Is that pretty much the temperature where you are, same as Quartzite? Running your generator for air in the afternoons?

    • I guess the app on my phone counts as a weather station. It has been in the high 80’s, which somehow sounds better than low 90’s. It is breezy out of town, and that is actually what is saving us. I wish we could run the a/c in the afternoon, that would be nice around 2 or 3. We would have to run our onboard generator though, so we just kinda get by until evening. Solar power can’t quite keep up with the power draw of an a/c unit.

  3. Such beauty! After every photo I was saying, “That’s my favorite, no THAT’S my favorite”…so I guess they’re all favorites. :) You should put out a book called “Colors of the Desert”. The info about the ghost flower is so interesting – as they say, nature always finds a way. Great pics.

  4. You out did your self the last two days with these extreme pictures. The desert is busting forth beauty and you captured it.

  5. Love all the desert flowers. They are so beautiful this year. I’m glad we are here for the beginning of the cacti blooms but we will miss the saguaro:(

  6. Isn’t it amazing the beauty that grows in this harsh environment? I’m so enjoying it and you captured the essence wonderfully.

  7. I loved seeing all the flowers. I think I liked the ocotillo best, followed by the ghost flower. Your technique is great – you did some good work with these photos!

    And so you weren’t fast enough to catch a hummingbird? Really? ha ha ha ha ha

    Do you know how many tries it took me to catch one at the botanical gardens? I swear I only got it because I kept going back every weekend and hanging at the Joe Pye weed that it liked so well. I have several hundred of no, no hummingbird in that frame. Or look! That blur is actually a hummingbird! One weekend, I was checking the settings on the back of my camera before focusing on the Joe Pye and the booger came and buzzed my face! I got no hummingbird pictures THAT weekend.

    But I did finally get it. The ones in our backyard by the trumpet vine? Never. By the time I swing the camera up, they’re gone.

    The comment box is not letting me put the link in. If you go to my blog, search for accomplishments and then go to the 2014 accomplishment to see the hummingbird snacking on a Joe Pye weed.


  8. They are all so beautiful, and what a variety! I think the Arizona bluebell was my favorite, if I had to pick one.

  9. These are wonderful! I was in Scottsdale in January and I vowed that one of these years I’d come back when the desert was in bloom. Thanks so much for sharing!

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