
And……We’re outa’ here! — 27 Comments

  1. Oh, the FEET on that weiner dog are FUNNY! HAHAHHHHAHHHAHH

    I am so happy for you that you are going to hit the road and explore. Our spirits want to soar and some of us just need to see more of what the earth has to offer in nature. ENJOY yourselves Mary and what a great collection of sea glass!

  2. I expect glorious pictures from that drive down the coast! Safe journey and lot of healing vibes to Torrey!

  3. Okay, have to smile. You’ve been on the ocean this whole time! (I know, you miss the sunnier parts).
    Glad you’re getting back to a space that makes you happier. Healing thoughts sent to your lovely, temporary-couchpotato.

    • The sound is more like a giant lake. No waves, no endless water. Not very ocean like. And thanks for the healing thoughts, she needs them.

  4. It sounds like the time you spent there was good. Glad to hear that Al got to spend some quality time with his boys! The sea glass that you’ve found amazes me. It’s so pretty!

  5. Oh, the drive down the coast is so beautiful. Hope you’ll have nice weather so you can enjoy it! Man, another great haul of stuff! I’m adding Vashon Island to my sea-glass-hunting bucket list. Have safe travels and hope Torrey heals up and doesn’t have a full tear!

    • Please let the weather cooperate for our coast trip. And yes, You need to come here for sea glass. It’s everywhere. I’m leaving with pounds of the stuff.

  6. One of our nose work friends has some kind of a tear and has to wear a brace for 2-3 months on her front leg, no fun! Glad you can finally hit the road. It is a beautiful area up there, but we could never live there with all the dreary weather! Safe travels.

  7. It was great having some “face time” with you and a chance to grow our friendship. I love that Al got to spend some time with his boys. Sometimes in life though we need a reminder of where we should NOT be. For you and Al, that’s working for someone else and Seattle :) The time you’re been here has been special but I wish you guys well on your new “bucket list” adventure. I am sure this will not be the last time we cross paths.

  8. The sea glass gods are treating your well. :) They are beautiful, Mary! We are getting rain like every two days, which is very unusual.

  9. I love the porcelain glass pieces. It makes me wonder if it’s from someone’s teacup or dinner plate. Have a safe trip.

    • I love finding the old ceramic and porcelain pieces. Crazy thing, some times I can find a piece with the exact pattern of a piece I found weeks ago. Makes me wonder where it all came from.

  10. I’m happy for you that you are escaping Alcatraz! Your journey sounds like it will be beautiful and fun.

    I sure hope that Torrey can heal on her own. ACL injuries are no fun. We’ve avoided them so far… but our neighbors have 4 dogs, and I believe that 3 of them have torn both ACLs. No fun at all.

    Have a safe journey! Find some warm sunshine to dry out!

  11. Oh poor little Torrey! We certainly know what you’re going through, but the good news is that we’ve been told many times that partial ACL tears do heal well on their own, so the restrictions – however difficult! – should help. We are sending lots of healing POTP to Torrey. Meanwhile, I can’t wait to hear about your new upcoming adventures! Also, that blue and white piece of china in the center of your photo looks like hand painted flow blue. :) You collected such beautiful pieces, it makes the trip even more worthwhile. Happy trails!

    • Thanks for the POTP, we are hoping to avoid surgery obviously. The china and ceramic pieces have been so fun to find. Sometimes I will find a piece with the exact pattern of one I found weeks before. And so many are obviously hand painted.

    • We will turn east right around Santa Barbara I think. We haven’t planned it out very well so far. The goal is to miss the mountains and get to Lake Mead.

  12. I’m glad you were able to find some good out of your two months of miserable weather…and your trip south sounds like it is going to be wonderful. We’re sorry to hear about Torrey though, and hope she is able to heal up quickly. Wishing you safe travels, and can’t wait to see some seacoast photos!

  13. I am so happy for you getting underway again. Although the Pacific Southwest sounds beautiful and has all kinds of cool cultural things, I don’t know how folks cope with all the rain.

    Ithaca had about as many cloudy days as Seattle and it just about killed me.

    But the description of the RV sounded like regular life on the boat. We had to take our sheets to the laundromat just to dry them out recently from all the condensation. People recommend plastic liners that allow air circulation under the mattresses but they’re incredibly expensive. It would cost us well over a thousand dollars just to deal with condensation under our cushions. I’m going to try to rig something with yogurt containers. :)

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