
Artsy Fartsy Tuesday 1/24/12-Carole Pivarnik — 10 Comments

  1. Pingback:Roxy's Artist Farsy Tuesday

  2. Thanks so much for sharing my dog art, Roxy! GOOD GIRL! *clicks and gives treats*

    I would love it if folks who Facebook would “Like” my artist page and the Doggitude page there! My blog posts feed to the Facebook pages and I post updates and art on them on a regular basis.

  3. This is BEYOND delightful and I am THRILLED that you have introduced Carole to us!

    Her work is just amazing!!

    Thanks to you i am now following her on Twitter and on Facebook……I am in LOVE with her work!!! The whimsical and adorable way she showcases text in her paintings is completely charming!

  4. bow and “wow” to your talent Carole. I had Great pleasure in viewing your amazing Canine Cuties.

  5. This is wonderful! Thank you for the introduction. Beautiful artwork! My mom liked all possible Facebook links!
    Keep on wagging,

  6. Pingback:Artsy Fartsy Tuesday-Doggitude Giveaway - Roxy the Traveling Dog

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