
Artsy Fartsy Tuesday – Latest projects — 24 Comments

  1. Both of you are so talented! I am visiting my cousin on the way to Vegas next month. I am going to see if she’ll be at any shows this summer maybe you two will run into each other. The Lady

  2. You are both talented but since Mom sews, she can see how you do that but the wood carving is amazing, can’t imagine doing that.

  3. Wow! That heart is incredible!
    I’m not a terribly artistic/crafty person, so these skills always impress me. Like with a sculpture or carving… when do you know you’re done!?

    • Al gets asked that question all the time, and the answer is always the same. When it’s done. (or when I tell him it’s done) LOL

  4. They’re all so beautiful!! What a great time you must have making your living doing something that you love.

  5. Wow–you’re both so talented! I love the bronze splatters! And Al’s carving blows me away. As an amateur woodworker I have plenty of respect. That feather… Oh, my. It’s going to show up in my dreams :) Thanks for sharing, and for the visit over at Life In Dogs — loved the input :)

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