Back in Jackson Hole, and fun times
Back in Jackson Hole, and fun times
We got back to Jackson Hole and our favorite place to camp, last Tuesday. The best part of coming back here….Shannon and Mike got here that day too!!! Now, if everyone remembers, we love Auntie Shannon (not really an aunt though). She gives us lots of loves, treats, and we just love them both. We are in a little bit different spot in the campground, and while it’s very nice, mom is super frustrated because the internet the wi-fi card is picking up is suuuuuppppeeeerrrr sloooowwwww!!! So it’s been kinda hard to keep up with all our blog friends. We are trying our best though. (I say mischief on the internet for that one) And mischief on mom for thinking I sit funny sometimes. She tried to get a picture of me the other day because she says it’s funny the way I cross my legs when I sit. Well, I am a little lady, what does she expect.

Roxy you sure are a lady..:) Wow a real life Beaver,how cool xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
I try to be a lady at all times. BOL
YAY Torrey for finding that Beaver, it DID have the “look of mischief” about him!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota
Yep, Torrey the great critter finder. Hee-hee
I love the way you sit, super adorable. I sit just plain goofy Mom says, but you are quite lady like :)
I bet you sit cute too. Even if it’s goofy.
Way to be on lookout, Torrey. Beavers are hard to spot.
Hope you have a wonderful time in Jackson Hole. Can’t wait to see more pictures when your wifi speed picks up.
It was mentioned yesterday to take Torrey and try to spot a bear. LOL. More pictures coming soon.
I think you are right, that little beaver does look like he’s up to some mischief!
Yep, lots of mischief.
Wow lucky you spotting a beaver. We have never seen one in the wild. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
We were lucky, they are hard to see in the wild usually.
How cute a beaver swimming. Jackson Hole is a place mom wants to visit. Enjoy the beautiful scenery. Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I wish you could come visit, we could have so much fun in the river.
UhOh…I think that beaver guy was up to something!
Roxy…that is the cutest “sit” ever! Cool shots of the beaver. I’ve seen their handiwork but never actually run into one in the flesh. Torrey is a good critter spotter.
Torrey is a great critter spotter. We hardly ever see beavers in the wild.
Awww, you are such a beautiful lady!!! WOW, that is a real live beaver!! How cool!!
Well I bet you guys were captivated by the beaver. He/she looked like an eager beaver up to mischief. Glad Auntie Shannon took some pictures to share.
Me has NEVER seen a doggy who crosses their legs before! Yous is cute!
You have quite the refined sitting position. Also, awesome photos of the beaver!
We love Jackson Hole too. My mom and dad spent their honeymoon there. So much fun.
Missy posted….
I think I would chase that beaver! Wooooowoooooooo, Ku
Plenty of dogs cross their front legs, Roxy, but not their back legs! That must make you pretty special. But you’re mama already knows that.
Love the beaver shots!
I think the only way you could look more ladylike is if you had a throne – maybe your Mom can arrange that!
Very cool that Torrey found a beaver – and you’re right, he does have a look of mischief!
Ooooo. I think a throne is a great idea. I will work on that.
We get beavers in our lake occasionally. It drives my dogs nuts! A giant rodent that they can’t catch. They are willing to give it a swimming try, but I don’t let them. They are out-matched in the water when it comes to a beaver!
Now that is hilarious! I never thought about it that way.
Oh wow, a bee-fur! Those things are cute. :)
Hee hee. We thought so too.
I sit like that sometimes too, Roxy, but in a very flexible, athletic, manly way. Cute beaver and, luckily, a nice one too… the ones where Bethany used to live in Oregon attacked dogs!
Wow….attack beavers?? How scary!!
Oh Roxy…you are a proper lady sitting with your legs crossed. Tell your mom I said she must stop teasing you about it. I cannot believe you saw a beaver! How exciting! I’ve never seen one of those before.
*Cairn cuddles*
Finding that beaver is exciting…I’ve never seen one in the wild and momz sez she’s only spotted one once…And I think you look very genteel Roaxy…the pawfect lady
Awwww thanks for the compliment Gizmo.
Rita sits funny sometimes too – but it’s not so lady like… What fun to encounter a critter! (Boo to internet mischief!)
Oh wow those are really cool pictures of the beaver. Darn internet. Always causing problems!
Your crossy legs are super cute. Made me smile. Thank your Mom for getting that on camera.
Beavers are always up to mischief! And what’s wrong with the way you cross your legs? Where else can they go? Love Dolly
I’ve never seen a beaver before, looks like a fun buddy!
That beaver is definitely up to something!
Wow, a real beaver, how cool, I’ve never seen one of them before – he looks like a great mischief master!
Hope you had fun,
Your pal Snoopy :)