Bears of Grand Teton National Park
Bears of Grand Teton National Park – 399
We had an amazing 10 days watching the Bears of Grand Teton National Park. Our original plan for going to Jackson was to install the bar that Al made, spend a day or two, and go back to Utah. But, the bears were out, the park was not crowded, and the weather was amazing. So of course we stayed longer, then longer again, and oh hey, just one more day.
The grizzly 399, and her cubs from last year were the first bears we saw. I was glad to see the cubs looking healthy, and bigger than last year.
399 is an amazing 22 years old, has raised numerous cubs, and is a great mama bear.
This little cub had a bad itch, so funny to watch.
The first morning we saw her, they were all busy digging in the ground. I’m not sure what exactly they were eating, but apparently it was good stuff.
Isn’t she beautiful?!
Mama bear dug a pretty good size hole, and this little one went and sat in it.
It is truly a humbling experience to see these grizzlies. They are so beautiful, and so amazing.
These next images are from the second time we saw her. It was in the evening and the light was not super good, but it was still fun to just watch her and the cubs.
The Grande Dame.
Her cubs are so cute, and I can only hope they live a long life like their mother.
Grizzly bears have been delisted from the endangered species list in the greater Yellowstone area, which of course includes the land around Grand Teton NP. This means that if a grizzly wanders out of the safety of the National Parks, they will be fair game for trophy hunters. 399 is an incredibly popular bear, even more so since the 60 Minutes segment that aired while we were in the park, and she is at risk of being killed by a hunter. The very thought makes me sick.
How anyone could think killing one of these wonderful bears is a good idea, is beyond me. Wyoming has so far approved the killing of 24 grizzlies in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. There are of course lawsuits, and petitions against the hunt, and everything is suppose to be completely decided by late summer.
Why can’t people just hunt with a camera? Leaving the wild animals for everyone else to see and enjoy.
More bears, and more wildlife from our trip coming soon.
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HELLO Cinnabear! You look like a big, cinnamon sugar cookie!!!!
Oh Mary, your range of subjects has expanded and it’s marvelous to see your progress. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face with the animals of wild world of photography….
Hello, I love seeing the wild bears. Awesome shots of the mama bear with her cubs. I hope she continues to stays safe in the park.
Your photos are just awesome. I will stay quiet about the hunting, it makes me sick too. Enjoy your day and weekend!
They are so wonderful and look so happy and healthy. Trophy hunting is so sick! We don’t see any point in that kind of hunting.
Mama Bear and her cubs are soooo magnificent! Thank you for sharing them with us! I do hope that when all is said and done legally, it will be a victory for the bears and other wild life across the country. There is absolutely nothing good or “sporting” about trophy hunting. It makes me sick!
Stunning pictures. And yes, I’m sure you spend as much effort tracking the bears with your camera as anyone with a gun.
Wow, what an amazing adventure!! These photos are well captured. Thank you so, so much for sharing with us, Mary!
I laughed at the cub in the hole!!! 399 is gorgeous!!!! I, too, cannot understand the urge to kill these glorious animals. Being famous is not good in this world. Is this the same bear as Candy posted a photo of?
Pingback:Bears of Grand Teton National Park-Part 2 - Tales from the Backroad
They are beautiful, and I’m with you, how can people want to kill them? I’m glad there are petitions and people who fight against this. I do have a question though… how do you know she is 399? Is she tagged?
absolutely wonderful!
It’s so sad when they take away the protections for wildlife that should be enjoyed, not killed for no reason.