
Birds along the Snake river in Idaho — 13 Comments

  1. Hello, gorgeous captures of all the birds. I love the Heron, Eagle, Red-tailed hawk and the Pelicans. The last horse photos is awesome. Enjoy your day!

  2. It’s always nice finding a great boondock spot. You captured some stunning images. Hope the weather improves!

  3. These bird captures are fabulous, Mary!
    I love the “clouds were hugging the mountains”. The last one took my breath away…

  4. That does look like a glorious boondock spot! I love the heron with the baby in the nest. That’s precious!

  5. Awesome job with that editing! I always thought pelicans were only on the southern seacoasts, so it was interesting to learn I was wrong about that!

  6. Stunning edit of mountain and wild horses photo. Gorgeous! I also have been enjoying the bird photography. I have a pair of red tailed hawks in the wild area behind my house. I have tried to capture them in flight with zero success. I keep trying though! Besides the patience factor, any other tips to share? :-)

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