
Birds, Bees, and Desert Spring Flowers — 10 Comments

  1. I was in Phoenix and Appache Junction on Sunday. Noticed the lupine and saw one poppy. Wish I could have stayed longer, snowing here in Michigan now. Will have to look up where Fountain Hills is.

  2. Good morning Mary! I so wish that people in charge of the land and our environment would really take a good look at the work of awesome photographers like you and others whose photographs are a work of art. Your captures not only produce a lovely photo to look at, but you document so well a micro world that is the heartbeat of our existence. How I wish those in power would appreciate what you do.

  3. The colors are so vivit and joyful. Busy little bees enjoying thier flight sipping nectar amongst those colorful flower’s cups waiting for them to land, Great shot of the raven on the cactus. Love the photos.

  4. Fountain Hills is just lovely. Really enjoy visiting family there. Still get excited when I see the fountain go off! It’s the little things…
    Great birds! I didn’t know Night Heron sat in trees all day. Too weird! Thank you for sharing Mary!

  5. I really enjoyed these photos! It is nice to see the birds, flowers, and bees. We see some birds around here, but other than that, winter is pretty boring! :)

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