
Can you have art in an RV — 20 Comments

  1. great look to it with so much color! Maes you feel good inside to have this art around you were ever you hang your hat.

  2. Love those crows! How do you hang things so they don’t rattle (or worse, fall) when you are on the road?

  3. How cool we both did a review for Fulcrum! I love what you choose and how different our tastes are and what we wanted! They are a great web site, I plan to use them a lot more (when I have some money, sigh). Love Dolly

  4. I have no taste in decoration, I’d take the stock motor home and not add any art to it. I’m so bad…LOL

    You however have done a magnificent job!

  5. You sure do have some beautiful things! Al’s sculpture is incredible. Wish I had a tenth of the talent you two have!

  6. You probably have to straighten things a bit after speed bumps and you could use super glue to keep things on the counters ;) An RV is just like a smaller home.

  7. You have beautiful art in your RV, and the newest piece looks like it fits in perfectly….great selection!

  8. I like ravens too, they are a little mystic but that’s what makes them so alluring :o) the eyes of your dogs are beautiful, I would like to look in such wonderful eyes every day :o)

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