
Death Valley Super Bloom — 13 Comments

  1. you were there the right time… it is amazing how much beautiful things can grow between rocks and sand…mother nature has a hand for decorations :o)

  2. It is sometimes really hard to capture a view as you see it in person. The flowers do look beautiful, though. It seems like you had just arrived in AZ, and already headed out.

  3. Good morning, gorgeous wildflowers. That does look like the place to be, beautiful flowers and views. Great photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. How lovely. Where in the park did you find the blooms and did you have any problems finding a camp site? How long do you think the bloom will last? We hope to get out in a week or two to see for ourselves.

    • Camping is only in the campgrounds, which was a bummer. We stayed at sunset campground, but I think I would go to stovepipe wells instead. Smaller. The blooms are supposed to last for a while longer because the higher elevations are just getting going. They flowers were easy to find, the visitor center knows where is best at any given time.

  5. Wow! Wow! Wow! what a gift to be able to see the super bloom in living colour.


    Thank you for sharing — it is grey and snowy and frosty here this morning. I love the colour you’ve added to my day.

  6. So very special and beautiful, Mary! Love all the photos of the wildflower of the Death Valley.
    Is it because of the rain they have been getting?

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