Does this dually make my ass look big?
We graduated to a big truck, I mean a really big truck. We have been driving our 2005 3/4 ton Dodge for 5 years. It has been an awesome truck. But when we got the bigger trailer last year, we realized that the truck was a bit small for us to be totally safe. Al has always said it was like the cart pushing the pony. We have been thinking that when the time was right, we would need to move up in the truck world. Well, the time was right. Our truck was paid for, and the guy we have bought our past two vehicles from found us a deal that couldn’t be beat.

Does this dually make my ass look big?

Meet Silver, our 2014 Ram dually truck. Whenever we hit the road, we always say, “On the road again.” Now, we can say “Hi Ho Silver..AWAY.” Corny I know, but that’s how we roll.
The truck has the Big Horn package, which matches our Big Horn trailer perfectly.
So far, I have not driven it. To be fair it took a couple days for us to get the truck. It is an Enterprise rental, that they sold, so we have only had it since Wednesday. I will drive the big ass truck though, just not with the trailer on it.
The back seat does this way cool thing. We are going to see how Torrey likes riding here instead of on the seat. Put down a bed, get a barrier to keep her safe, we’ll see how it goes.
She liked hanging out Ok though.
We got gray sheep skin seat covers, and yes they match Roxy.
There are two “hidden” compartments in the floor of the back seat. Compartments…coolers, you get the idea.
My biggest disappointment is the voice command voice. It isn’t Sam Elliot. I think this is a huge oversight on Ram’s part. They could sell a lot more trucks to women if they fixed that.
But, we are thrilled. It’s way more comfy, so those long drives are going to be a lot less painful. And of course the biggest thing is the safety. Bigger brakes, bigger springs, more stability. No risk of landing in a ditch, or driving off a cliff.
Now we just need to get going. The desert awaits. A few more weeks though, and then it’s….Hi Ho Silver…AWAY.
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Nice truck! Your dogs look like they like it too. Enjoy your weekend!
Silver looks great and nothing looks fat, it’s a great travel-companion :o)
Looks great. Have a fabulous Friday and we wish you a happy Halloween. Have a good one.
Best wishes Molly
Very nice truck. Bet it will be much better driving through the mountains. :)
Very nice! Better safety is very important! I love the Hi Ho Silver!
Glad to see you’re traveling more safely AND in style :-)
May you travel safe and healthy for many years!
The dilemma Jason and I always have with how big of a trailer we will live in someday is no wanting too giant of a truck to have to tow it with… but if Sam Elliot was the voice control… Yes, please!!! :)
Giddy up!
Congrats on your new truck! That’s one seriously good looking truck….and it definitely needs Sam’s voice in the voice command. The pups look like they love the extra space too – I can’t get over how Roxy blends with that blanket! LOL!! Best of luck with it and have fun driving! :D
hooray!! silver is a beaut! :)
Cool truck… and you’re right about Sam Elliot!
You blew that one…those secret hidden compartments for your valuables…yep, no longer secret I guess ;) Congrats on the new wheels.
Love how it matches Roxy!
Wow, a Dually!!!! It kind of made me laugh. We have a bad poacher around here, and he drives a dually. So, the officers and us call him “Mr. Dually”.
Hehe. A great truck. It looks super comfy for all of you and plenty powerful! Congrats on the new ride!
The desert awaits.
Excitement awaits.
We are simply an old child.
That looks like a truck in need of some adventures!
Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne
George Clooney would be good too. Looks like a great setup for Roxy and Torrey. I’m kind of worried about your gas mileage though! Love Dolly
Nice truck!! It’s always fun to get a new vehicle, but I bet it’s especially so when you spend so much time traveling like you do. Now you’ll be even more anxious to hit the road again!
I had to lol at your title! I think the truck looks great! But Torrey, you can’t look out the window down there, although it does look nice and roomy for you.
LOVE the new ride Mary!! It is awesome! Comfy rides are really important when you are going long distance. Hope you have many more wonderful trips in Silver!!
Awesome!!! The Pres is hemming and hawing about another truck….he too has a Dodge…:)JP
We are pretty happy with the truck. Can’t wait to get her on the road.