
Dogs, horses, and the Tetons — 29 Comments

  1. I can certainly see why you love being there, I don’t blame you for making it one of your primary homes! Those horses are gorgeous. I’ve always loved horses and riding (I used to ride a lot) and the dappled/painted ones were always my favorites, along with solid blue/black. Your pups sure are living a great life – as are you! That last photo looks like a classic oil painting – so beautiful! Enjoy every second of it….I’m sure you are! :)

  2. I can see why you love it. I’m insanely jealous that you live here, not really….I just loved visiting the western states.

  3. Oh, we wish we could be at all these beautiful places with you! I guess we always have to settle for your wonderful photos! The horses are gorgeous…as are those two little doggies!

  4. Wow that last photo is amazing!! And that one horse looks really cool. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a horse like that one before.

  5. Gorgeous images. I love the dogs, horses and the gorgeous mountain scenery..I loved my trip to the Tetons..A lovely park.. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Beautiful photos! Your dogs are so beautiful. Horses running free is a beautiful sight

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