
Early Morning Photography — 20 Comments

  1. Early morning is the best time to see nature unfurl at its best. GOOD MORNING MARY! It’s the first day of school, and here I go….

  2. The light differences between times of day really chances a photo, doesn’t it? I love early and late light for the way they change mood in a picture.

  3. You should add stumble upon to your share buttons so it would be easier to share there. It might get you some more traffic with your gorgeous photos. We are up and out super early, but walking, no photography. There are a lot more things to see and sometimes even here, wildlife. Great photos as always.

  4. Um! These pictures are WOW! Those the little moose! They are so adorable and the reflection in the water that you captured is amazing Mary!

  5. Birds in flight shots are hard for me too; by the time I find them in the viewfinder they’re too far away.
    Great photos, Mary.

  6. Found myself visiting Schwabacher’s Landing often. I so enjoyed sitting on one of those log benches and admiring the view and watching the ducks. Awesome you saw moose…. they eluded me, but then again, I wasn’t visiting at the crack of dawn. Lovely photos!

  7. It sure is worth it to wake up early! You are seeing some amazing animals — I love the moose and the eagles and the duck butts :)

  8. Mornings are the best. I’ve been lazy lately and haven’t been dragging my lazy butt out of bed as early as I should. Those photos are simply awesome!!

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