
After-Before Friday and more — 35 Comments

  1. Wow, gorgeous images from the desert.. I love the first and last shots.. And the hummer is pretty.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Oh Mary, again, a spectacular collection of photos that are worthy of a magazine, AND POSTCARDS! Your “Light Room” program is really impressive. I have Photoshop, and have barely started to learn from a blogging friend how to use it. But the difference in your before and after sky shot is UNBELIEVABLE! You are having fun, aren’t you!!!!!

    The moon and venus; what a pair. You and Al? A great pair. Thank you for this beauty on this COLD morning in Minneapolis! Anita

    • Lightroom is easier than Photoshop and I do a lot of editing with it. Ya, Al and are having a blast, living the life. And the moon and venus, I would say yes.

  3. Maybe you need a gourd bird feeder to hang outside. Great pictures as usual. I like the rich afterward thingie you do with them. Very interesting cacti . Has Al painted anymore pics? He could try a humming bird.

  4. Absolutely breathtaking photos. I am seriously awestruck. I’m so grateful that you’re bringing all these wonderful scenes to us; chances are I’ll never get out that way to see them myself.

  5. OK…I thought the first photo was my favorite…until I got to the last photo. Now I am torn; I LOVE both! Such a beautiful place and I love the edits you have done to the photos. Happy weekend!

  6. I would think you could easily make calendars for the different areas you are in with the beautiful photos and sell them in those areas.

  7. I love that last shot the best. As for your before and after, the before was great. The after, that much greater. You’ve really brought out the lighting and that great sky!

  8. You did an excellent job editing that first photo. I’ve always wished I could do that well. The desert has always been very interesting to me mostly because I’ve never really been to one. Very good photos.

  9. wonderful series of photos
    that top photo truly changed with editing
    it looks like a gorgeous place to wander around and explore
    i love the 4th image down
    have fun feeding the birds, i do

  10. Great selection of photos, what an amazing place! The after photo is SO much better, it really brings out the feel of the hot, low desert sun illuminating the cacti! Very cool picture of the moon and Venus! :-)

  11. So it’s not just your snapping skills that are wonderful, your editing skills can make a nice photo fantastic. What a beautiful place you are parked! I LOVE the hummingbird photo!
    I’ve been slack about putting out my bird feeders this year, but we’ve still been seeing a cardinal. They are such beautiful birds, I’ll have to try to get a photo too.

  12. Mary, what stunning photos! Your preset provides a great foundation from which to “tweak”! I’m not a camper but I can understand the draw when I see the scenery you’re surrounded with. Thanks so much for being a part of ABFriday :)

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