From Clicking to Creating
From Clicking to Creating-Week 9 of 2018
Week 9 already for the year. February is about over, and then on to Spring. I hope you guys are enjoying this series, and finding it useful.
This week for the Dogwood 52 the prompt is Forsaken, in the creative category. When we went to the Cloud Museum, I kept my eyes out for something that would be good for this week. There were a lot of things that appeared forsaken there, but I really like this stack of old steamer trunks. They look like someone forgot to take them on their trip, and they have sat forgotten for years in the desert.
I processed this photo with a preset that I have in lightroom. I have a bunch of presets, probably more than I need, but they can be fun to play around with when it comes to photos like this.
This is the original image.
There are some presets that come preloaded with lightroom, and when you are in the develop mode, they are listed on the left side. I have collected a bunch of presets over the years. Some free, and some I’ve paid for. If you find presets you like they are easy to import into lightroom. Sometimes when you download a preset from the web, it will be in a zip file. Unzip the file and take note of where the file is so you can find it. In lightroom right click were it says User Presets. I tiny box will pop up with an option to import.
Click import and find the folder with the presets. Open that and select whatever presets you are importing. You can do more than one at a time if you want. They will be organized alphabetically under User Presets. This image has no presets applied.
This is a cool fuzzy black and white preset I like called Lonely Holiday.
The little preview box in the upper left will show you the preset changes when you hover over each one. If you do click the preset, and don’t like what it did, simply hit CTRL/Z (I think on mac that is command/z) and that will undo what you did. That works with everything in lightroom too by the way.
Another example of what a preset can do in one click.
If you want to rename the preset, right click the name, and a menu option box will pop up. I’ve done this on a few, to have them make more sense to me. You can also edit further if you want with the sliders on the right. You don’t lose that ability with a preset.
The 2 Lil Owls this week is Bokeh. I really like the softness and color I got with this shot. Bokeh is achieved with a shallow depth of field or large aperture, and some diffused light or small amount of light in the background. Sometimes bokeh, and shallow depth of field get confused for each other. Regular shallow depth of field, is simply just that, a blurry background that is achieved with a large aperture..(small f stop number) with no light to create the little round bokeh lights in the background.
This shot is just shallow depth of field.
Both effects are wonderful, it just depends on what exactly you’re after in the photo.
What have you guys created this week?
Hello Mary! Wonderful creating going on here! I did a few attempts on Sunday with great results in natural lighting, but for me, spring and summer will bring more opportunities for really experimenting. The cold and snow and work just impede my possibilities!
Never knew you could find presets online. We will have to check that out. Those old steamer trunks are really neat.
Your photos and your teachings always feel like light is entering my heart. <3
I like the edit result. Great photo, Mary!
I’m in awe with the Bokeh and Shadow of depth. Thank you so much for showing us the difference.
Pingback:From Clicking to Creating-Week 9 (Black and White)
I enjoy reading your blog a lot, and have learned so much from you. Thank you.
Finally, I can say I totally understand what bokeh is and how to create it now ;-) Thank you.
I hope you don’t mind that I copied down all of your LR tip to a file called “Mary Lighroom Tips” on my PC so I can read it over and over until I am comfortable with the steps. LR is a challenging for me ;-(
Have a great day.
Helen, I am so glad you are liking the blog, and that you are learning some new stuff. Of course I don’t mind if you keep notes, that’s the best way to learn and get comfortable with something.
Thank you, Mary. Good night.
For the longest time, I didn’t really understand the difference between bokeh and shallow depth of field, but you explained it perfectly!
Thanks for the tutorial on how to import presets! I’m trying that right away!
I love your “forsaken” photo because it’s real. I found the many staged photos for this prompt to be a bit over the top. I did love all the ones of rusty old things or shipwrecks to be great.
Oh good, I hope you find some great presets to import. Thanks for the compliment on the forsaken. I agree, some were a bit over the top, I was just keeping an eye out, and this scene was perfect.
I have missed a few weeks, but hopefully back on track now. My little MaltiPoo, Oreo, had to spend a night in the hospital and then we spent weeks trying to get his kidneys to behave, but alas they are not going to do so. We are on a day to day, quality of life watch now. It’s a tough road. Hard to swallow that truth, but this is the journey of life and I’m very grateful for every minute I have and have had with him. Lots of adventure in the little, bitty package.
For this week’s challenge I didn’t have as much success catching Bokeh as you, Mary, but I was tickled with the twinkle off in the distance in this shot. I wasn’t shooting with this challenge in mind when I took this photo, but that’s learning for you!
Oh Lauri, I am so sorry!! It’s so hard to watch our pets get old, and sick. I was worried something was wrong when I hadn’t seen you around here. Hold him tight!
And your photo has great bokeh in those trees on the left hand side. You did perfect!
This week my creation was chaos. LOL that’s life right about now.
I love the photos of the old trunks, and I like the filter you used. I think it was a wise choice!