From Clicking to Creating
From Clicking to Creating
This isn’t going to be a super involved post, I’m pooped after this weekends show. What a lot of work it was. Especially when the security company we hired for overnight, called on Saturday morning saying the sprinklers had come on. Ya, that was fun. The gal that was there did great though, and there was hardly any damage. Could have been so much worse.
Anyway, onto From Clicking to Creating. The Dogwood 52 this week is a composition one, compose a photo that reads left to right. My first thought on this was that wildlife would be good, as they tend to go from one side of the frame to another if they are walking, or something. These baby moose were certainly running that way.
Before we had to get started with the whole show thing, we spent a day in the park. First thing in the morning we found the bison. This one was startled and started running.
One thing to always think about when you are composing a shot were the animal is running, is give them space to run. In this case, she has space on the right of the frame.
We also saw these golden eye ducks. I love the lines in the water in this shot. Again, this is a good left to right composition, and they have room on the right to keep going.
Landscapes are a little harder to compose with a direction in mind, but I think this shot reads pretty well left to right.
Or, you can go right to left. The swallow is pointing the way.
The 2 Lil Owls this week is looking down. Indian paintbrush are one of my favorite wild flowers.
I also like this little butterfly on the buckwheat flower.
Yesterday, I read a great blog post from Otto on what he calls “Shooting sideways.” I love Otto’s blog, he always has great insight into how to keep our creativity flowing. He says shooting sideways is doing something you don’t normally do. Oddly enough, I did that exact thing about a week ago. I was shooting the mule ears flowers, with the Tetons as a back drop. I showed you one of the images in my last post. The wind was blowing pretty good when I was shooting, so I had an idea to slow my shutter speed way down and get the flowers all blurry in a slow motion type thing.
I like it, certainly different.
So, there are some fun ideas for you guys to experiment with this week. Let’s see what you create.
Leaving space for the direction is important. Once and a while it is not possible, but it is best to allow for the movement. Great tip.
Cool photos, as always, Mary! Give them space to run… is a great tip.
Great photos – as always! – Mary!! And great tips, too!
Wow, these are all beautiful. I love the cute swallow pointing. The baby moose are adorable. Enjoy your day!
Turns out the swallow pointing the way is my favorite of this bunch…though I love the flowers and mountains too, excellent way to be different!
Of course, I love the left to right wildlife ones! Those baby moose are so cute!
This photos are all great ! Indian Paint Brush is one of my favorite wild flowers well. Is that Mules Ear in the last photo? it’s a gorgeous shot, with so much life. Great post.
I love the flower one with the Tetons in the background. Smart idea!