From Clicking to Creating
From Clicking to Creating – Week 2 of 2018
Week 2 in the Dogwood 52 challenge is all about color harmony, with the category of composition.
Composition: Composition refers to the way the various elements in a scene are arranged within the frame. Challenges will focus on setting up the shot and developing our personal composition styles; styles which can become our trademark. Developing your Composition will allow you to set the stage
to generate a reaction from your audience.
These almost seem like two different ideas, until you think about setting up your shot. When you want to convey color harmony, composition is key. Balance in the image to bring out that color harmony is super important. Harmony means balance, balance means equal parts. Generally in composing a shot you want to think about the rule of thirds. In this image I placed the bush in the left third, but also kept the colors in equal balance to convey color harmony. Blue, and this pinkish coral color are complementary colors on the color wheel.
So this image is balanced, or in harmony, with the colors and also the physical composition of what I am shooting.
Color harmony can be found in so many things, not just in nature. A lot of logos for sports teams, and businesses have color harmony, and you can bet someone thought about that when they were creating it.
This week the 2 Lil Owls prompt is Small. I had so many thoughts for this one, but in the end I set up this shot. Since we live in an RV, our space is small but we still like to have art, or other “cutesy” things around. (well I do anyway) These are a few of the small things I have picked up along the way that make me happy, and don’t take up much room.
This was my other idea for small, Roxy.
Here’s a quick Lightroom tip prompted by a comment from KB at Romp Roll Rockies last week. She realized after reading my post that she has been using the wrong color profile all this time, and that explained why the color of her images on the screen of her camera was always different when she imported them into lightroom. She had the same Ahaaa moment I did when I read about this a couple years ago.
(Click images to enlarge)
It’s easy to set the profile and have lightroom import with the correct profile every time. We are going to create an import preset so this is automatically done with every import.
In develop mode set the correct profile to what your camera is set for, like shown above. Don’t make any other adjustments to the image. Next, go to the left side of lightroom were your presets are. Click the + sign and this dialog box will pop up. Everything is checked by default, and that’s ok. Color correction is the one that really matters though. Name the preset “Import Preset”, and click create.
Go back to library mode and click the import button. On the right hand side, under Apply During Import is a drop down menu, Develop Settings. Click this and select Import Preset. Import a photo or two. This will now be set as default for every import unless you go back to the drop down menu and change it. As you can see, you have the option of creating multiple presets, and a wide variety of adjustments that can be applied on import. Personally, I don’t want any other adjustments to my images because they all need to be edited individually.
Next week I will talk a little more about what can be done on import, to make your life so much easier.
And here’s a thought I’ve been having. When I see a photo I really like, my mind almost immediately goes to, “I wish I had been there to take that.” Well, I wasn’t there, but thankfully another person with a camera was there to preserve that moment. I need to be more appreciative of the beautiful image someone made, and glad I have the chance to make the images that I do. Most of the time I am the only one in that exact spot, capturing that exact moment. (I say most of the time, because sometimes in Wyoming there are a few of us in the same spot, getting the same thing.) I need to look at my photos and love every moment I captured, and look at other photos and love every moment they captured. Whether you are setting up a shot, getting that one and only wildlife image, or shooting a portrait. You were there right then, to make that image happen in your own unique way.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and of course I’m excited to see what you created this week. Don’t forget, it you share your photo on Instagram use the hashtag #fromclickingtocreating then we can all find each others photos.
Still need to make that leap to raw and lightroom. It’s a scary step to go from what I’m comfortable with and know how much time it takes to go to something new, even though I know it is a step I need to take.
I totally get that. Lightroom is pretty easy and intuitive to learn though. Next week I’m going to talk about how great it is for organizing, and finding your images. And RAW, makes such the difference.
Hello, I just love your cute Roxy. I like your cutesy things! Thanks for sharing the tips. Enjoy your day!
Great tips, Mary! I’ll be back to read more carefully. :)
So excited by this feature. I’ve wanted to improve the photos on my blog for a long time. They are definitely better than when I started, mostly by investing in a better camera. Now I’m trying to pay more attention when composing a shot.
But when I really want a good picture, I’m more likely to hand my husband the camera. BTW, I’ll be forwarding these posts to him to follow along too.
I hope you guys can get get some good info from these posts. I can see that your photos have been much better this past year or so, a good camera can make a difference.
So, I was trying to practice my depth of field photography class assignment while also shooting pictures with “Small” in mind. And I had a photo Bomb! Ya’ll be the judge of how successful I was with my assignment. :-) Thank you again Mary for everything. RVing topics, beautiful pups, stunning wildlife photography, sponsoring from Clicking to Creating, I’m loving it all.
That is hilarious! You must have been between laughing, or yelling at the cat. And thanks so much, I’m so glad you are liking it here. And I would say you nailed Small, and depth of field. With a little help.
You did great with the color challenge. I’m struggling with the lack of color in the outdoors right now. My colors are going to be golden and blue too – A dried flower against the blue sky but I haven’t gotten it just right yet.
I love sweet Roxy. She’s perfect for the “Small” prompt.
You explain LightRoom stuff a million times more clearly than others. I linked to your post in my Wednesday post. Please keep giving us hints :)
Thanks for the link! The colors here aren’t super either, but these sand dunes are a nice 2 mile walk from the RV and perfect. I’m hoping I don’t run out of hints, Lol.
I love that close-up of Roxy! She is such a cutie-pie! Ducky is small compared to Shadow; but at 25 lbs., she doesn’t really qualify. Maybe I’ll use my stuffed Golden puppy I bought while I was waiting for Callie to be born.
Is Lightroom a free, downloadable app or do I need to purchase it? Just curious.
I would love to see the stuffed golden puppy, that would certainly be small. Lightroom isn’t free, sadly. I pay about $10 a month to have lightroom and photoshop both. It’s worth every penny for me.
Such a beautiful landscape. Striking.
The portrait of your dog is sweet.
Thanks for sharing about LR. Makes me realize that I use very little of what it is capable of.
Thanks! And it’s capable of so much. Probably more than I use too.
Dear Mary, good morning! I am going to have to come back and “study” the instructions here for Lightroom; I’ve been using it now for about two months and I’ve come to really love it. So far, I’ve been getting good results but I want to make sure I understand what you are saying here about the preset. Back later this evening!
Pingback:From Clicking to Creating – Week 2 of 2018 (Color Harmony)
Hi Mary, Here is my entry: Like to hear your feedback.
Good advises, Mary. Of course, when you let Lightroom choose the profile from the camera standard, it is important to sett you camera’s profile first. With most cameras you can choose between Adobe RGB or sRGB. Anyway, lovely photos. I particularly enjoyed the first one, for its simplicity, the lovely composition and the use of only two colours.
Loved your photo’s color balance and excellent thoughts on composition
I think it’s probably natural as a photographer to wish you were there to take every photo. But sharing that special moment in time, that you were the only one there to see (most of the time) is really what it’s all about, isn’t it?
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