Half light and More light
Half light and More light
Half light, that moment at dusk or dawn when the sun is low on the horizon. This is the photo challenge this week from The Daily Post. We are also asked to share a poem, verse or song that resonates with the photos.
Looking back through my photos, I knew I could find several sunrise, or sunset shots. This is my favorite time of day to photograph. These images are from last summer in Wyoming. The sunrise there is not as dramatic as it can be in Arizona, but is still a great time to photograph.
The sun peeking through the trees, and reflecting on the river.
This evening at Oxbow bend had to have been one of my favorites. The clouds that night were absolutely perfect for a dramatic sunset.
And on this night, the full moon was rising just as the sun was setting.
This quote sums it up perfectly.
This weeks photo prompt for the Dogwood 52 was something totally different, for me anyway. Shoot a portrait in high key, which basically means that it needs to have a white background and be slightly overexposed. Every three weeks portrait is the theme, with some kind of variation. I was glad to have a new victim this week when my son came to take me to lunch.
He loves Roxy, and Roxy loves him. So having them together in the photo shoot was absolutely perfect.
I love how these images turned out.
Beautiful shots all round. That is a beautiful sunset there. Such a warm sky, and I bet the sight warmed your heart :) Your son makes a great model. Such a natural and I hope the two of you enjoyed your time together :)
Dramatic. Sensual. Sweet, perfect. Mary, first of all I want to thank you for your reply on the outdoor photography. YES! Lowering the aperature is something I must learn to do. I am shooting in RAW these days and I love it. I am having a friend over today, ALL DAY who is going to help me out. She is going to be my model and will be my first willing human model! I am determined to work on some angles and styles AND black and white. What you did here with your son (GORGEOUS) and Rox is beautiful. OK, off to get my “studio” ready! Anita
I love that first one with the steam coming off the water!
Oh the last photo is just wonderful… LOVE would be the perfect title :o)
Hello, your scenic shots with the sunlight are beautiful. I love the moon shot. Cute shots of your son and Roxy! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!
Stunning images, Mary! I love all of them, I haven’t seen a moon photo this beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the photos of your son and Roxy. :)
They are all so wonderful! Sunrise is my favorite part of the day, but I rarely get out to take photos of it.
The photos of your son with Roxy are priceless!
Love those pictures of your son with Roxy. It’s obvious there’s lots of love going both ways.
Living on the water, that half light time of day is so special. It’s when I’m most likely to say, “I wish I could share a picture of this” knowing it would look like utter crud if I tried. :)
each one of these is more breathtaking than the last. These are incredible! Your son is so handsome and you really took some great shots of he and Roxy. He looks like you!
I love all those photos – the sunset over the water, the rising moon – such beauty! And you did a fabulous job on the portraits of your son!
I have so many sunset photos it’s crazy – but i keep taking ’em. My favorite! That photo of the moon is amazing! And love love love the last shot! Precious!
Walking the dogs in the morning I’ve discovered that I really love that 1/2 our or so before dawn. The world is beginning to lighten and prepare itself for the day. It’s a truly magical time.
As always your pictures are superb, and it’s wonderful that your son and dog adore each other. That is very apparent in the photos.
Wonderful colours! :)
Stunning sunsets and sunrises with beautiful light. And you son should be very happy with the sensitive photos you took of him. :-)
Mary! I am so honored that you came by my blog. I am learning to photograph people now, and thanks to YOU and your daily/weekly inspiration, I’m learning. See you in the morning! Anita
Fabulous shots.