
Herbert the Great Horned Owlet — 8 Comments

  1. I love great horned owls and would love to see an owlet! You got many of his expressions! Love them all!

  2. Very cool little one. He seems comfortable with you, but I bet his mom is a nervous mess. Hopefully none of the campers will be interested enough to venture out and find him.

  3. Wonderful photos and how exiting to watch. I discovered a Loon sitting on her nest, and like you, we’ll pass by slowly on the boat to observe her but not if other boats are around. We don’t want to draw attention to her. She’s very well hidden.

  4. What a great find, he is adorable! We have owls around (the only ones I’ve seen have been Barred owls) but I have never seen a young one. I had no idea they hung out on the ground either. We hope Herbert is getting through the holiday weekend OK!

  5. Oh my goodness – he is insanely cute. Great images of him!!!! I hate weekends, to be perfectly honest, the world fills with partiers. Yuck. I hope that he is okay.

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