
In between seasons — 16 Comments

  1. Thankfully we have not had snow, but we have had a few days of frost. Today was beautiful, in fact so warm that you didn’t need a coat. We still have a lot of trees with leaves on them, which does concern me, considering the Snowtober we had a few years back that hit wet and took down tons of trees and power lines.

    I love your pictures Mary, they are just so beautiful.

  2. Fall has been all over the map here temperature-wise – we had some nights down in the 30s with frost in the morning, yet today it was almost 70 degrees and I had all the windows open. But I can’t complain – the fall colors have been gorgeous this year and both temperature ranges have their appeal for me. :)

  3. I just don’t like in between fall and winter, when the colors are all gone and we’re waiting for snow. Not that I look forward to snow but it does brighten up the dreary landscape.
    Our fall was cooler than usual but that was fine, and then we still have had some warm days off and on. We did get two weeks of rain though, and that was no fun!

  4. beautiful images. I love my roses too. Always a source for photography when if all else fails. These raindrops on roses make such a beautiful image. Have a lovely weekend, enjoy your last days of fall, and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

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