
It’s a Bear Eat Berry World — 16 Comments

  1. Wow, that bear was very tame and comfortable with you! The bears around here hightail it away as soon as they perceive us. I do know that you respect the wildlife. You were lucky to get such a great photo op!

    Your Tetons are gorgeous. We’ve promised ourselves to go back to Wyoming when there’s not an eclipse to visit the Tetons!

  2. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Good thing you have a telephoto lens! Lord above, it looks like you are RIGHT THERE eating berries with that bear!

    Gorgeous. Wondrous. Spectacular, to be able to see nature so close, through your lens Mary. A beautiful bear enjoying the harvest time treats. May he get FAT and beautiful for his hibernation!

  3. It makes no sense to see such a large creature eating those teeny tiny berries, but it is what they do. You got some great shots!

  4. those photos are INCREDIBLE!! I cannot believe you got such close shots and I am hoping that is because of the lens you were using and that you weren’t too close!! Fantastic!

  5. Wow, amazing shots! I’ve never been that close to a bear before (I mean… I know you weren’t really THAT close – but I mean I’ve never even been that close w/ a telephoto.) I think even at that distance I’d be nervous! My pics would all be blurry. :)

  6. Hello, I love the bears. Awesome sighting, your photos are wonderful. I love the view of the Tetons. Have a great day!

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