
It’s a good kind of busy — 9 Comments

  1. Hello, I am glad you could go to the meeting and stand up for the wild horses. I hope they remain safe, wild and free. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. Happy Easter !

  2. So glad you were there for the wild horses. After seeing them with Ingrid this past winter… I am in love with them. Thank you for being there for them!

    Congratulations on your art being accepted into the gallery! Well done my friend!

    Enjoy your holiday!

  3. That is great things are really starting to work well for you. Hopefully the wild horses will remain wild forever, but in this world, who knows. Keep on doing what you love. The passion shows and makes your work all that more special.

  4. Oh Wow! Congratulations on being part of the Salon Show — how very exciting. and on the piece in the gallery. Your work is stunning and deserves to be seen. I hope the wild horses stay wild.

  5. I am so thrilled to see you so involved in saving these magnificent creatures. Thank you so much!! Also, I love the mixed art pieces. :-) They really do belong in an art museum.

  6. I’m so glad your rally went well, and even more excited about getting your artwork into these places! That’s so exciting, and you deserve the success!! ♥

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