
It’s our 8 Year Blogaversary — 11 Comments

  1. Congratulations! Your blog has evolved with you and I think you have done a great job. Glad we got to meet up once. Your photography is something I’m sure draws in a lot of readers.

  2. Congratulations on 8 years! Your story sounds kind of like mine, starting with no idea what a blog was, writing for a specific purpose that changed over the years, and now photography takes up most of the blog. In the old days it was just text and I think my writing was better then, without photos to distract readers. But, like you, I like that I can check back and see what we were doing and where. Nice job, love the two dogs! They are beautiful!

  3. WOW! We’ve been blogging for about the same amount of time – I started in December of 2010 – when Callie and Shadow were both young and crazy, like Ducky is now. ? Anyway, Congrats! I love reading your posts and seeing your photos! And Roxy and Torrey make me smile!

  4. Happy Blogaversary! Torrey was so tiny. :) It’s fun seeing how the blog has changed and evolved.

  5. And we love your blog! I’m so glad that you are still enjoying it. I love your sweet girls and your photography :)

  6. One of the amazing things about following your blog has been seeing your growth as a photographer. You’ve always been good. But lately you’ve been simply amazing.

  7. you accomplished so much in the past 8 years, mostly, you accomplished doing what makes you both happy and that is the greatest accomplishment of all! So glad I got to meet you in pawson!

  8. Happy Blogaversary!! We didn’t know you before you had Torrey and started living in the RV, so that’s interesting to know you started before that! I think that every good blog evolves into different things over the years, just as life does. I so enjoy reading about your travels and looking at your beautiful photographs. We hope you keep going for a long, long time!!

  9. I am so happy to see your photos and blog posts.As I said once, you are living our dream and we are about a year away from going full time and getting back to the southwest. I would love to see a blog post where you talk about some of the best areas you have found for boondocking and also staying in an RV park. But you don’t have to reveal the exact locations of your personal secret places! ?

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