
Living the Unpredictable Life — 10 Comments

  1. I’m so sorry that happened to you, but if it happened at a campground, their insurance should cover it, and it should also cover a hotel room for you as well, if your rig has to stay overnight.

    For sure the photos are awesome though!

  2. I’m so sorry! Glad it wasn’t something that injured any of you and hope the repair will be quick. As far as traveling via covered wagon…been there, done that and don’t really recommend it as a long term solution 😉

  3. Well that is a tough break! Thank goodness for insurance! Hopefully there is a repair shop reasonably close by! Good Luck!

  4. I’m really sorry to hear about the RV damage. Since our roof damage that happened in Wisconsin from trees a few years back, we do our best to pick sites without trees but that isn’t always possible. I’ll take the beating sun any day over tree branches. Fingers crossed things won’t leak and the repair will be quick and painless.

  5. Oh no, I’m so sorry that happened to you! I hope it turns out to be a fairly easy fix, with little disruption to your lives. I’m impressed you still managed to get it together enough to share some beautiful photos with us. Thank you! :)

  6. Oh I am so sorry to hear about that darn branch falling on your home. Hope all goes well with no leaking and repairs!

    Gorgeous captures!

  7. Oh no! I hope that your insurance covers it… and that there’s a convenient solution for all of you. I can imagine that having to be out of the RV will really stink… You did get some fabulous photos, though.

  8. Wow, how scary. Since you almost always have fair weather photos, we have never thought about storms or trees falling on the RV. Hopefully the damage is not too bad.

  9. Oh geez, I’m glad no one was hurt! Hopefully the repairs will go fast, easy, and perfectly; and that there won’t be any leaks beforehand! I am impressed that you were able to get a post together at all considering the emergency at hand! Bravo! And the horse photos are gorgeous, as always! The twilight one is too dark on my phone screen, so I’ll have to check it out later.

  10. Hello, so sorry to hear about the tree falling on the RV. So glad no one was hurt. I hope it can be repair quickly. Love the photos of the horses and eagle.

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