Mesa Falls Idaho
Mesa Falls Idaho
We moved to a new spot on Monday, Mesa Falls recreation area. We took the scenic back road out of Ashton, Idaho heading north towards West Yellowstone. We came through this area a couple years ago, but we didn’t stay to camp. Mesa Falls themselves are gorgeous, and I should have pictures of those in a day or two. The spot were we are camping is above the Henry’s Fork river. It’s so pretty here, but the mosquito’s may carry us off. We walked down to the river yesterday, and saw some fun critters. This is a very wide and beautiful river. There were fish jumping all over, driving the fisherman in Al crazy. LOL

I agree. She’s beautiful! (And she’s on our blog today too!) I want to chill in the water with that beaver… It looks so refreshing!
It did look refreshing, but deep and cold. Thanks for including Torrey today.
Roxy is super cute, but Torrey is beautiful. We have the same thing at my house, I have always been the cutie and Katie the beauty, not sure what Bailie is just yet, other than a puppy. We love that beaver chillin’ in the water too!
I think Bailie is going to be in the cute category, she already is.
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful place. There is a rive by our cabin and this time of year the mosquitoes are horrible. I think it is the river.
What a great spot and all the wildlife and we love the idea of the jumping fish. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
Mary…we visited Mesa Falls the weekend we were at Fort Henry. Stunningly beautiful area. Isn’t America just an amazing place?
America is a beautiful place. We get to see some great places in our travels.
big smiles on all the critters – your girls, too! :)
Wow! That looks like a beautiful place!!!!!
Those darn beavers!!!! I think they’re beautiful animals, but I did a post a while back when I came out with the 3 huskies and there was a big old beaver sitting right there in our yard! That was quite the episode!!!!! BOL!
xx husky hugz
I bet that got the pack barking. LOL
Beautiful spot. Thanks so much for sharing. Very peaceful.
Don’t like mosquitoes but the other creatures make this look like a fun place to wonder around. Love that shot of Roxy! ;)
Yes they’re both beautiful dogs and loved the pictures! Interesting, the color of paint on our walls is called Mesa. Mom always thought it would be found in the desert, it’s kind of a greenish tan, but as soon as you put green next to it, it looks brown. Oh well. Love Dolly
Many thanks that I can travel with you to wonderful places :o)
What great pictures! We have seen raccoons, bunnies, a variety of birds, and LOTS of deer on our adventures, but I love that picture of the beaver and the marmots are pretty cute, too!
What a beautiful spot! Love the photo of the beaver… he looks like he’s just chillin, hanging out. I’d love to take my dog here!
Those are absolutely breathtaking photos! What a lovely place to stay.
That beaver looked like he was taking a nap! What a beautiful place! Can’t wait to see more photos of the dogs with the wildflowers.
Hi Y’all!
What a beautiful spot to camp! Loved the photos in the wildflowers. Can’t wait to see your post tomorrow!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Fantastic nature and photos.
You may be biased but you’re also right! We once tried to go to the Yellowstone area at this time of year. OMD, it was so snowy, both on the ground and falling out of the sky! It looks like you know where to go at this time of year.
I’ve never been to Idaho, but understand (and your photos prove it) that it is very beautiful. I’d love to travel around the country as you are doing, but I’m always afraid that my husband and I would get a little stir crazy of being in such close quarters. We get along well, but we have lots of room so don’t have to be together 24/7. Instead, we’ve been taking 2-week road trips and a few longer trips by air since retirement.
Thanks for stopping to view my “Good Fences” post this week.
Gorgeous once again! I remember when I went to CO for the first time, we kept seeing marmotts but didn’t know what they were. We finally figured out what they were called. We don’t have them here. We went fishing today and caught lots of fish! But had a bad catfish accident with my daughter =/
“and i think to myelf, what a wonderful world”