More moose pics…Really?
More moose pics…..Really?
I hope everyone is not tired of moose pictures. That’s all mom wants to take pictures of, she has gone a little camera crazy on these guys. Torrey and I are being so cute so she can take pictures of us, but no, it’ all about the moose. Sheesh!! This big bull was right behind the house yesterday morning, he hung out for quite a while. Can you see how red his antlers are? All the bulls are rubbing the velvet off their antlers now and it makes them kinda bloody. It looks painful, but it isn’t.

How interesting about rubbing the velvet off. I didn’t know that! I am not tired of the moose pictures. Please, no moose mating pictures though (ha).
I promise…no mating photos. LOL
Yikes! We did not know about the red antlers, that does not look good at all. Very strange, but thanks for explaining as we have learned something!
We are here to educate and entertain, Hee-hee.
Wow, they’re beautiful creatures. Thanks for the pictures.
well, it’s not every day that i get to see Moose so I am glad that you gave me the opportunity! That is one HUGE DUDE!!!!
Ya, he is pretty big. You don’t realize just how big until they are close.
We enjoyed the moose pictures! Being city folk we never get to see anything like it! Love Dolly
Well thank you, lots of people never get to see animals like this. That’s one reason we like to share the pics.
Yikes, he’s a big boy and we never get tired of seeing all the lovely photo’s you share with us. xx0xx
Mollie and Alfie
Thanks, I’m glad you like them.
It must be fascinating to see the moose up close, but not tooo close lol!
We keep our distance, believe me!
We love seeing these beautiful majestic creatures through Mom’s artful eyes. Shes not “Bully”ing them or “rubbing” them the wrong way. She will be back to taking pictures of your cute faces before you know it.
What great moose pictures!! It is almost like we are right there with you!
OMD…I had no idea that when they rubbed the velvet off their antlers it got all raw and bloody like that. I’m so glad it doesn’t hurt them. Those are amazing photos, Roxy.
*Cairn cuddles*
That’s awesome! Love the moose pictures! They’re such a cool animal to see – maybe not the friendliest, but definitely one of the most impressive.
They are very impressive, and I never get tired of seeing them up close. Well….not too close.
I never tire of some good mousse pictures! Keep ‘um coming!
Thanks for sharing about the rubbing I didn’t know they did that!
i would have thought the red antlers were because of the mating season. wow, you learn something new everyday! thanks for the info.
they sure are gorgeous creatures, aren’t they?
wags, bailey unleashed
Fascinating! They’re really red because they’re bloody? Like losing a toenail? Not like shedding fur. Huh.
Kinda like a scab that needs to dry out.
I love the moose pics!
So are his antlers really bleeding, or do they just look it? (In case you couldn’t tell I know next to nothing about moose.)
They are bloody, kinda like a scab. The antlers grow all summer, and the velvet is part of that growth. Once fall hits, and the antlers are done growing, they scrape off the velvet, that’s what makes them bloody. They dry out pretty fast though.
Interesting. Didn’t know that. You’re lucky to be able to observe so much wildlife!
You can never show me too many moose photos. I love ’em!!!!! That bull is incredible with his bloody antlers.
I’m a little confused… do you have a “house” someplace or do you live year around in your RV? You’ve lived in your RV for all the time that I’ve known you :)
No house. We have lived full time in our RV for a little over a year. We love it!
Wow that’s amazing that they rub their antlers like that!
Hope you enjoy your new place too :)
Wags to all
Your pal Snoopy :)
It looks like a great place to stay to me, too! I think Flattery would probably try hunting the moose…
Wow cool pictures. You sure were close to the moose. I bet it was interesting to watch them.
Moms are soooo crazy! We are always cute and waiting for our pictures to be taken and they go after stuff int he yard……geeze!!!
I knew they rubbed the velvet off, but didn’t know that they bled when they did it. Glad it doesn’t hurt though. Even though I can’t get enough of yours and Torrey’s cuteness, Roxy, I still enjoy the moose photos! :)
They is fabulous shots! My Mommy would LOVES to has the time to paints that last piucture. Is your pawrents going to do something special with it?
Nellie (and Mommy)
That’s cool. I’ve never seen antlers with the velvet on. Must be an amazing thing to see in person.
I never get tired of moose pictures…If we had them here I’d be taking dozens of shots myself