
Near the end of my photo project — 26 Comments

  1. We were stunned to hear about Lori as well. Mom met her at the last two BlogPaws conferences, I met her at the Vegas one. Such a nice woman, she will really be missed.

  2. thanks for sharing this wonderful photos. I was sad as I heard about Lorie Houston, she was a wonderful advoctae for animals and specially the feline world will miss her…

  3. super pictures Mary. The 100 day photo ,the goal you set on this photo project will be over soon; but the journey was great wasn’t it?

  4. We didn’t know Lorie, as we have a presence in BlogPaws but aren’t really active there, but we’re always sorry to hear of such loss. Your photos, as always, are gorgeous and the captions always suit them so well. You are one very multi-talented person!

  5. These photos are truly fabulous, Mary! Don’t know how you got that spider pic – wow!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv them

  6. Beautiful photos and perfect captions! Helps to be in such beautiful places during a 100 day photo project! (So sad about Dr. Lorie – and Dr. Yin too. I didn’t know either of them, but such tragic losses.)

  7. A wonderful series of photos and sayings to go with them. I love both the photo and the saying about the sun shining in us.

    If you liked this challenge, you could try joining Flickr and doing the 365 challenge there for next year :) I’m doing it this year, and it truly pushes my limits as I try to make a good photo even on days when the conditions are not good for photography.

    I’ve been loving your 100 day challenge!

    • Maybe by the start of the year I can think of another everyday challenge. Right now I will be thrilled to find something good to photograph for the rest of this one. LOL

  8. I am commenting under Cody today because he posted a memorial post for Lorie on his blog today. Cody knew Lorie quite well, much better than Dakota did. I am having the most dreadful time accepting this….I haven’t accepted it. Doubt I ever will. It all seems so unfair. ((((hugs))))

  9. I’ve loved all your images and I’m disappointed to hear that you’re almost at the end of your one hundred days. I think next year you should join a 365 challenge! ;)

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