On the fence
On the fence
The weekly posts for After Before Friday have been hosted by Stacy at Visual Venturing for more than a year. She did a wonderful job, and I know how much work is involved with a weekly project. She decided to step away from the weekly forum, and just continue with the One photo focus once a month. Ben Rowe at Aperture 64 decided to take over the weekly forum though. Which I am thrilled about, because I have enjoyed it so much.
So this Friday is week 59 in the After Before Friday forum in it’s new home, Aperture 64.
I found this great old buckrail fence the other day. The Tetons were visible in the distance behind it, and I loved the gold colors in the grass too.
After edits.
And before edits.
I edited this photo with a program called Perfect Effects 9. I installed this program because I wanted some texture filters, and fun borders. I like that it will layer different effects too. I used a natural sunshine filter, a slight HDR filter, and a vintage filter. I played around with so many, I can’t remember which exactly I used. But I really like the end result. The biggest problem with Perfect Effects 9 is once you save the photo, you can’t see what filters you used.
I had edited this photo, same thing, just playing around with different looks and I ended up with something quite cool.
But I have no idea what I did, and in what order. I tried to replicate this look on a different photo, and couldn’t.
This image has a texture filter, and a cool border.
And going with the same “On the fence” theme, I have this photo of the milky way I took the other night. This was exciting for me because I have tried star photography before, and failed. I will have that story, and more photos on Monday.
Be sure to visit Aperture 64 to see what everyone else is doing for After Before Friday.
I love the different versions you have created here. My favourite is the last one with all the textures and old fashion kind of border. Very cool indeed.
Thanks Otto. It’s not a look I usually do, but it’s certainly fun to play with sometimes.
I so love this, Mary and I thought you had used LIGHTBOX. My husband is going to be purchasing that for me sometime. Please tell me, which do you prefer: this editing tool or Lightbox?
Anita I will always have Lightroom and Photoshop. I have the monthly subscription for $10 a month for both of them. I started with the free version of Perfect Effects 9, just for the filters. They then sent me a link to download the full version for free, so of course I did. It has some fun filters and also just basic adjustment stuff.
the last one is great! It reminds me a little of the Little House on the Prairie and I wouldn’t wonder to see Michael Landon or Melissa Gilbert next to the fence soon :o)
LOL.. I know right!?
Cool shots; lately I’ve been fascinated by the night sky and stars so that one really spoke to me.
I love the night sky! Star photography has been something I have wanted to learn.
Awesome fence images, I love the textured image. And your starry night shot is stunning. Have a happy weekend!
LOL — I posted my comment in the FB section not realizing I was! Either way, fascinating photos! Love the opportunity to see the different looks.
I see both of your comments, it’s just double love from you today.
Lovely editing bringing out those beautiful warm colours. I like the third edit too, with the border, very cool effect. Looking forward to seeing more of those star images. :-)
Thanks Katie. And I am pretty excited with the stars.
No question that edits make the picture! The interesting peachy-pinky effects are really cool too. Hmm…part of a fence in the middle of nowhere…makes me wonder who/what was there in the past. It makes for a great writing prompt!
Very fun diverse set of images. I have this thing for fence posts and enjoyed the different feel to the photos. Nice job!
I love the different versions, Mary! My favorite one is the photo with texture and cool frame. :)
The first photo is so perfect, it is almost like a painting. Great color and contrast.
I love all the different variations on that same photo. Your first edits give it a real autumn feel I think.
It’s amazing how much you can do with editing, and how much you can change the feel and mood of a photo.