
Pet blogger challenge 2015 — 56 Comments

  1. Good morning Mary! I love what you said about your blog being about who you REALLY ARE. I seem to be thinking about that more and more….not that my own blog is NOT really me….it is. But I’ve been asked to show more of my home, to show who I am. But my home really is not that interesting, and I don’t want to bore anyone! I don’t have a special situation like you, where you can take such soothing photos! I don’t think the majority of bloggers want to see my little house in Minneapolis!!!!!!

    I so love what you do…keep it up, I love the dogs and the wild frontier of the desert, thanks to YOU.


    • Anita, from what photos I have seen of your home it is it beautiful, and hardly boring. Plus, what about the area you live in? Surely there are beautiful and interesting things there? We tend to get jaded about what we see every single day, but to those who have never been there, it’s all new and fresh.
      Like the desert from me to you. You now see this area in a whole new way.

  2. when you review products, do you ever post a negative review or do you just give that feedback directly to the product provider? just curious.

    • Honestly, I have only reviewed one product that I did not like. I wrote the company and told them I couldn’t write a positive review. They told me to go ahead and write what I honestly thought. They wanted to hear good and bad. So I did.

  3. I think your blog was great before but I love that you focused in and revamped! I’m also a HUGE fan of your photography!

  4. Well We really enjoy your Blog but love you more in person. Here in our home in Utah its the same day here and welcome to paridise. Mike and I think we have “sometimers” If you don’t know what it is its sometimes we remember and sometimes we don’t. Myself I’m wonder woman. I wonder where everything went or wonder where it is. I exercised all week , watched what I ate and gained a pound,.. WTFWT?

  5. I love what you’ve done with the blog this year – the rebranding and the new look are sleek and totally awesome. I love your photography and reading about your travels and adventures. :)

  6. I also love the changes to the blog. I’m a big art lover and a lover of road trips, so I love to see your gorgeous photos and other art and hear about where you’re going. And I so agree with you on your answer to #3!

  7. You have such a great, unique niche for your blog, many different things but they all mesh together perfectly. Love your rebrand too, but I think I said that after you did it.

  8. I have to admit that what we love the most about your blog is Roxy (and Torrey), but that’s probably because its how we got to know you. I think your new focus is great and a perfect fit for you. And we never get tired of looking at your amazing photos (not just of the dogs) and art. Love Dolly

  9. Great answers! I love the new direction you took with your blog, and I think it shows you are being true to yourself and that’s a great thing. I agree that product reviews can be fun, and people like to read some of that but mostly they want to read about our lives and enjoy the photos illustrating the stories.

  10. Simply adore your photos – such an inspiration. Not to mention all the amazing places you travel to – the high-altitude deserts are some of my favorite places to go, and I dream of living there one day. I love how your photos and stories transport me there for a short time.

  11. Love your blog and all the adventures you and Roxy and Torrey get to experience! Your photos are incredible, too! Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s definitely working! :)

  12. I love the new clean look of your page. It definitely represents you and your blog better. Your life and travel is so exciting and you truly see some of the most magnificent places. I always look forward to your posts. Your photography is wonderful and I am so glad that you feature it more. ☺

  13. We love that you are just living life and sharing it with us lucky readers. I can absolutely see why picking just one “favorite” post would be difficult for you!

  14. Yes, your readers follow along on your travels… and some demented ones threaten to do it in real life. ;) The rebranding is gorgeous, and the photos always knock my socks off. You are one talented lady married to a super-talented guy, with amazingly adorable dogs to boot. May 2015 bring you much success!

  15. What a fun concept for a blog – art, dogs and travel. Three of my favorite things! Like the other commenters, I love what you said about being true to yourself and your voice. I look forward to following and reading your posts!

  16. Your challenge post, like everything you do, shows so much who you are. Your answers were concise, mellow. I felt relaxed just reading your thoughts about your blog. You’re in such a good place.

    I’ve thought of my new mantra for the year: Chill Like Mary. :)

    • Pamela, you are too kind. I am pretty relaxed, but I haven’t always been. It’s nice to be in a better place. Can my mantra be, “be wise like Pamela?”

  17. I love seeing all your adventures; and you photography is so beautiful. It’s always such a nice intimate feeling I get when I come here, you’re really letting us in and giving us non adventurous types a fresh outlook on the world. I admire your vision, and I’ve decided that this year will be the year I purchase a camera for myself (I borrow my boyfriends currently). Love your beautiful blog and looking forward to more adventures in 2015.

    • Thank you! That was a wonderful compliment. I do try to give my readers the feeling of joining our travels. And YES…a new camera. Of course in my opinion, great photos help so much with a blog. It’s such a visual thing.

  18. How did I not know about your book??? OMG! How cool are you? What a great idea Mary. Your photography is beautiful enough for a book to be sure. I musty check it out.

    Regarding your answers, I love that you rebranded and revamped your blog. Every time I look at your header I feel so light and free. It makes me smile. It makes me dream. I wish I had visited more often to be honest. I think your blog feels very much a love and a work of art and not a forced venture. It has such an easy and inspiring feel.

    Wishing you another awesome year Mary.

    • Oh Mel, you are too nice to me. I’m glad you like it here, and if it makes you feel that way, then my job is done here. (Kidding) The book was easy really. I had the idea from the start it was all going to be a book. So when I finished the 100 day project, I sent it all to Blurb.

  19. I love your rebranding, the new header, and that you are finding joy writing about what truly makes you guys a unique family. I hope you are coming to BlogPaws again this year so I can visit in person again. If not, maybe we will catch up with you in Wyoming…or Seattle if you ever come out!

  20. I couldn’t agree more about your advice. Be true to yourself and quit worrying about the numbers. I love your blog – thanks for all you do to make it such a fun place to visit.

  21. I love the ride, I just wish it was in person, so we could drink. :-)

    Great answers and so true. If you aren’t writing from your heart, it’s easy to lose focus and I really feel like people can tell.

    Your revamp was great, I’m so proud of you, you decided to do something and you didn’t hem and haw, you just went ahead and did it. That takes balls my friend. :-)

  22. I love seeing your lifestyle. It is such a wonderful contrast to the one I lead. And your photographs keep me coming back. Just can’t get enough!

  23. I love that you took the leap and rebranded your blog. It’s so tough to make changes in an established blog and so easy to fall into a rut. But you stepped out to show a little more of yourself and your life – that takes guts. Wishing you the best in 2015!

  24. Thanks for taking the Challenge, Mary! Thanks to you, I’ve got my mantra for the year: “Chill like Mary … wise like Pamela.” Time to get out the Bodhi beads!

    As you know, I absolutely adore your new design, and I love that you’re moving your blog in the direction of your heart. It takes a lot of courage to venture out of our comfort zone, and I applaud you for courage. Not that I’d expect anything less from you. Have a fantastic year, and I’ll see you soon!

  25. I didn’t even recognize your blog until I saw Roxy and Torrey in the header. It goes to show you how little I’ve been around the blogosphere this past year. I’ve come across a few bloggers traveling in their RV’s this year. That’s great! It’s always nice to hear about new great pet -friendly areas.

    Great job with the re-brand/redesign. Everything looks great.

    All the best in 2015!

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