
Photo challenge-Blur — 18 Comments

  1. OH MY GOODNESS….OK, I know what you mean about night time photos; I super suck at it! But you DID IT! YOU DID IT! This summer, I am actually going to READ the manual that came with my camera so I can once and for all learn how to get night photos. Mary, the first photo…whenever I’ve seen photos of the moon this large, I always wondered if the photographer did a trick in editing to make the moon appear so big. But as I see your photo and am familiar with the “truth” in your photography, I am in awe even more with the moon. Why is it so large? Why can’t I ever see the moon this large? Does it have something to do with where you are?

    Both of these are magnificent photos. And per our conversation from yesterday, this journey we are on may have divergent paths, but we both are going toward the same goal of expression. Magnificent WORK! Anita

    • I’m not sure why the moon would be bigger. I know it’s always larger when it’s just coming up, or going down. Both these photos are when it was just rising. If you cam manually change your settings, you can adjust for night shooting. The moon is tough because it’s so bright. My very best moon shots are in the morning when there is some light in the sky.

  2. Mary, maybe it’s because in looking at your post on my small iPhone screen, but whatever blur there is is not readily apparent – all I see are phenomenal photos of the moon! The first one just made my jaw drop, and the second one is equally wonderful.

    As for what you wonder about what you’re doing “wrong,” I’m assuming you’re using a tripod? When I took night shots of the Golden Gate in San Francisco, I used my tripod, an f-stop of 11 (though it should have been at least f16 to create star effects in the lights!), and a long exposure. I can’t remember exactly how long (I posted the photos with the settings so I’ll have to go back and look). For the moon, it would have to be longer though. The one vital part, even with all this, is that you need to either use a cable release or your camera’s self timer, because even pressing the button can create unwanted blur. Hope this helps for future night shooting :)

    • The first photo is not very sharp. I use a tripod, and a shutter release. I read somewhere that photographing the moon is tricky with settings because it’s so bright. So if you open the aperture it blows out the moon. But if you don’t, the terrain is dark. {{sigh}} I really played around with settings, and some worked out well. But not perfect.

  3. Both shots are very nice. I especially like the mood of the cloud shrouded moon over the peak. Very mysterious.

    I too tried my hand at some night shots while at KOFA which I ended up deleting. They were long two minute exposures. Probably should have used a tripod . . . Oh well. Live and learn.

  4. I love the look of the moon in the first photo. It looks more natural to me. This more of what we actually see. Your second photo looks like how mine come out! It is a cool, eerie shot.

  5. They are beautiful. I love that second one too.

    What I’ve learned about full moon photography is that (if it’s not cloudy) you can only get silhouettes of other things in the picture because you need to limit the exposure so much to avoid washing out the moon. E.g., when I photographed the full moon most recently, I used ISO 800, f/8, and shutter time of 1/100 of a second. Another alternative is to set up a tripod and take two photos – one with minimal exposure to get the moon details, and then a second one with a much longer exposure time to get the foreground. Then you can combine them in photoshop. I’m no expert but I thought that I’d share what I’ve learned through my long-term struggles with moon photography!!!

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