Too rainy for fun around here
Too rainy for fun around here
Typist today is Roxy
We have had nothing but wet weather this weekend, so no fun or mischief around here. If you were here for yesterdays post, you saw some of the black and white photos mom took of the storm clouds. We had a few breaks to get out and about, little mini walks I suppose. The weather almost got us on Saturday on one of these mini walks. It started to thunder, and look pretty dark, so we walked back to the trailer. JUST IN TIME. The minute we got inside, it started to pour! Sheesh, talk about mischief! Torrey and I have been working on our pathetic looks though. We sit in the chair next to mom and look all pathetic and sad in hopes that she will feed us. What do you think? Pretty good huh?

No mischief here but we are sick and tired of the endless rain. Go away we say. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Roxy does this much better than Torrey, I’ll give her the treat :P
LOL…They both won a treat for this performance.
Those are AWESOME sad looks – I hope they paid off for you!
We’ve been thinking about ways to be entertained inside too. I think we’ll be practicing our sad eyes, you set a great example :-)
Practicing the sad eyes is always good. You never know when it will come in handy.
It could always be worse, you could have about 4 ft of snow like we have :) It’s TALLER than I am! Barks and licks and love, Dakota
Oh Dakota!!! Sorry but you can keep all that snow. We’ll deal with a bit of rain.
We had a pretty mild weekend and I took the boys on their longest walk to date since the “knee incident”……but now, a huge winter storm is passing by, dumping tons of snow and bringing single digit temps tonight. That definitely counts as mischief!
Here we gave cold cold cold
Retro rover
Aew! Look at your little faces!! I’ll come give you some food! Haha!
Not much mischief here. A rather relaxing weekend. Which was well needed. Hubby is working on our anniversary today :( ah well, such as life I suppose!
((Husky hugz))
I don’t know if you two need to practice those pathetic looks any more. They look pretty effective to me.
–Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats
It sounds like none of us can catch a break with the weather!
Hope the rain stops soon so you can go out and enjoy the day!
Beautiful storm cloud photos! Hope you got some rest and lots of treats :-)
Those are pretty sad puppy dog eyes, that’s for sure!
Moses and Alma similarly sulked this weekend, too. Not because of rain – that, we would welcome. Instead we had to survive -40 with some wind warnings. I may have used bully sticks to cheer them up.
You are really good at pathetic looks. I would say, you guys ought to have an Oscar for that performance.
Omigoodness! That mean old weather has been having fun all over the country! We got a couple of inches of snow yesterday, on top of ice. Even got some great thunder! But I’m not complaining. It’s beautiful!
you two are precious! we had ice/pelting snow and thundersnow yesterday in texas and temps in the teens. the pups and i were happy to be inside, but they’re getting muddy in the snow this morning.
We had some welcome rain in California that went across the country where it was not so welcome. Sorry for that.
I bet she gave you treats. I know I would have. :-)
We had rain all weekend too…poor guys you look so pathetic.
You have mastered the look :) Welcome to my world, I now get around with flippers BOL xxoxx
Phew….so glad you made it back in time and didn’t get soaked! If you can’t play outside, you might as well eat, right? :)
Great photos by your Mom of the storm clouds in both yesterday’s post and today’s.
Hope you get some better weather soon. A rainy day here and there isn’t bad but more than one and it gets boring.
I am glad that you beat those nasty storms on your walk. Y’all look very pitiful and I think you definitely need a treat to cheer up! Great storm clouds photos!
Those are some beautiful photos! It’s been too cold around here to do much.
Those are excellent pathetic faces. Top marks!
Yuck! There’s few things I hate more than rainy weather.
Rough weather. I hope you saw the sun today, perhaps? The storm clouds are dramatic, and you two are doing the dramatic look very well :)
I guess you are getting part of that big storm crossing the country. Just send us some warmth please. :)
Goodness you two are pathetic! Try making it through a winter up north! But, I hope your sun comes back soon so you can go on more walks with mom. Love Dolly
Oh you poor guys!
I know how you feel as we’ve had some rain and my playing in the garden time has been restricted – doh!
Our rain is about to stop, I hope yours is too,
Hang in there guys
Your pal Snoopy :)
We have not had real rain in months, I am wondering if my new little boy has even seen decent rain. He would probably freak out about wet paws. Your furkids have sure gotten the “I’m so sad” look worked out. The scary thing is that our furkids know that it will always work on us eventually.