
Ravens — 12 Comments

  1. Oh what a chuckle I had following your story in pictures here Mary! I love these birds and yes, nature is smart, isn’t it! To watch the animals communicate and demonstrate behavior that suggests need and problem-solving is fascinating. NOW tell me, did you use Lightbox for your editing?

  2. The cropping is great. You brought up the details and lighting.
    Really enjoyed watching the interactions between them. :) Thank you for sharing, Mary!

  3. I love observing birds, they’re fascinating and so beautiful. I can’t get over the communication between the two ravens you photographed – one lowering its head and the other knowing exactly what to do. Great photos as always, Mary.

  4. Mary, you did an amazing job with Photoshop to remove what you didn’t want. I still need to find the tool for that! I can do some things on Photoshop, but I’ve needed so much tutoring on it! GOOD JOB!

  5. Great job with the after picture. We have a lot of black birds around here…not sure what they are. But you are welcome to come photograph them. ;-)

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