
Roslyn Cemeteries — 17 Comments

  1. You have reminded me of a gorgeous cemetery in the Twin Cities that I must visit to photograph! There are famous grave sites there such are MARS of the Mars candy fortune, and other famous entrepreneurs of the midwest….these are gorgeous patina-covered remembrances of lives past, Mary.

  2. it was great to wander around with you and to ponder about the people who were buried there once… it’s sometimes heartbreaking to read about the children who had to die so young :o(

  3. My mom used to love visiting old cemeteries, but not so much anymore. It is the perfect thing to do at Halloween time, though. It’s always amazing how many young people died back then.

  4. Like you, I have always had a fascination for old cemeteries. There was a cemetery down the street from my parents house when my daughters were young. We used to go and sit beneath a tree and tell stories about the people buried there.

    I too appreciate the journey through time and life you’ve taken us on. Thanks Mary!

  5. I like to wander around the old cemeteries. Seeing the young children’s markers is always sad! Great series! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  6. I love old cemeteries, they speak volumes and are so fascinating. It’s also interesting when you see a family plot and then find an old landmark house in town with the same family’s name on it – it’s like watching the generations’ histories in fast-forward. So many of those old tombstone inscriptions and images are so moving. Thanks so much for posting this, I was so hoping you would!

  7. We have some older cemeteries out this way too, when we were kids we used to go in them with trace paper and using a bit of crayon trace the tombstone inscription. I’m not really sure why. :-)

    Very cool, but very sad when you see all the children.

  8. The construction of the graves on the hillside is interesting as are the headstones. My son and I visited an interesting cemetery in New Orleans that I wanted to photograph but he was getting creeped out.

    • I thought the graves were different too. I don’t know why they are built like that. Maybe because it’s on a hill, and the ground is soft and probably soggy.

  9. Very interesting! Mom loves old cemeteries too, she’s visited so many when doing her genealogy. There are some good ones here that give tours she is thinking about taking too. Loved the pictures and the tour! Love Dolly

  10. What an intriguing glimpse of the history of a mining town. I agree – the babies and children are the hardest to take…

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