
Scary Halloween tree — 23 Comments

  1. Wow those tress are mighty scary indeed! I think there are many spirits in the desert and has a haunting feeling out there. Ghosts of past days you can hear in the wind.

  2. That tree will not scare me away from visiting thebackroad.

    But it is interesting to find dogs in this side of world almost all are in black and white.

    I am turning around to confirm the colour of my poodle.

  3. Kinda cool? Mary, they look totally cool in B&W! I saw this first on FB and was blown away. You have such an artist’s eye. I can see why people want to buy your work. Love, love, love this one!

  4. I particularly love that first one. I might crop it down to get rid of the thing in the lower right but that’s a small tweak. You really did well with your black and white idea!

  5. Those are really cool pictures! They remind me of a place we went to in April when we were in Florida…it was like an abandoned beach where there were literally hundreds of driftwood trees…just lying on the beach!! Looking back, I wish I had taken more pictures!! Another quick question for you, Mary…did you do your own blog design…I just love it! And I also love the little trailers that are your social media buttons!! Thanks!!

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