
See Beautiful — 27 Comments

  1. And you sure know how to find the beautiful. I am loving your blog. A great escape from the rush of life, to sit and enjoy birds and other animals that I otherwise would never see. Those quail are DARLING!!!!!

    Happy Friday, Mary! Anita

  2. NOBODY sees more beauty in each and every day than you do Mary!! Wish I was out on the road! Your pictures are gorgeous!! Happy Seeing Beautiful!

  3. That quail is adorable! And the mud floor is amazing – it does look like the mosaic floor of an ancient building. You discover the coolest things!!

  4. I love quail and the sounds they make. I miss the humming birds that left so it was nice to see where they live now. Tell them hi from us. You must be in the wet lands in Az. of some kind. Those coot birds??? Some kind of waterfowl I never heard of even in my Az Highway magazines. Hope you have a successful Art show.

  5. Great photos of the quail & hummingbird. We have lots of these in and around our yard here in Phoenix, we love them! That mud patch really does look like a lovely mosaic. Pretty.

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