#ShareGratitude I am so very lucky
#ShareGratitude I am so very lucky
First, I need to announce the winner of the note cards. Emily from Adventures of a dog mom. And the 25% off sale on any print is good until the 15th of Dec. I am lucky to have so much to be grateful for. Not everyone would think they are super lucky to live in an RV and travel, but I do. I get comments all the time from people who could not possibly imagine not owning a home, or being rooted to one spot surrounded by their “stuff”. I have my home, it’s just the yard that changes. I can’t imagine living any other way right now. We are young, healthy, and want all the adventure life can give us. No, it isn’t always easy. Sometimes we are flat broke until the next art show and we have good sales. Sometime it’s super, freezing cold, and we have no water for 2 days. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am grateful to this man for making this life fun, enjoyable, and most of all doable.

You do have a wonderful life, a great hubby and your cute puppy dogs. We live in a beautiful country.. Lovely post and photos.. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Oh Mary, you are living the life YOU WANT! What a fairy tale of sorts…you make art (it sure isn’t easy to life off of it) but you ARE living a richness that money can’t buy…oh how clichéd that sounds, but it is TRUE. Look at the nature around you! How I get so happy just to see bunnies in our yard, or finches nest in our trees! But moose, precious dogs and HORSES? OK, you captured the most fabulous photo of my favorite animal: THE HORSE. Mary, you have so much to be thankful for. Bless you and your dear man….and thank you kindly for coming to visit. Anita
Thanks Anita for the great words. We do have a magical life, and we love every minute of it. And the horses…..I was so lucky to get some awesome shots this year.
Hi Mary! So good to see your reply this morning in my email! Those horses, oh that gives me chills to see such wild life and your photography is pretty amazing to capture their speed and thunder in a click!
Enjoy your week and happy Thanksgiving! Anita
I think your life sounds very agreeable. As for the “stuff” in my house, I seem to be constantly arguing with myself that I don’t need most of it. Intellectually I KNOW I don’t! But what to do with all of it?! :))
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
When we sold the house we got rid of so much stuff. I have never missed any of it.
What a beautiful post. It is important to always remember what we are grateful for and when we think life stinks, think about others that are in much worse shape. Life is a live show and a wonderful gift to be thankful for.
That is an excellent way to describe life, I love that.
What a beautiful post. And so inspiring. No one ever died upset that they didn’t have another gadget. But I’m sure many of us will spend our last days thinking of wonderful times we spent with the ones we love.
So true Pamela. I would rather have a lifetime of great moments.
best kind of gratitude – to be you and happy for it. :) love roxy laying in the sun in the first shot. so cute!
You have a lovely list of things to be grateful for!
How neat that you get to travel around so much! That sounds like a very exciting and fulfilling way to live. You get to do what you love every day, surrounded by a wonderful husband and pups! That is definitely something to be grateful for. Love all of your photos – they are awesome!
Thank you for joining in our #ShareGratitude blog hop!
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I’m glad yo enjoyed the photos.
Thanks for a wonderful post, it’s great to read and to enjoy your photos :o)
looks like you have such beautiful surroundings where you are in that particular photo, where was it? I can imagine living literally with nature very rewarding x
That is the Gros ventre river outside of Jackson Hole. That’s were we stay in the summer when we are there.
You have so many amazing things to be grateful for! You get to see so many beautiful places and the “wilds” of our great nation. I am grateful that you choose to share those beautiful moments with us and let us live vicariously through you! Have a wonderful, wild-adventure of a Thanksgiving!
Awwww, thanks! One reason I love writing this blog is to allow people to see different places through us.
You do have a wonderful life. I feel like I am really missing out when I see your photographs! But, I could never live in such close quarters with another person! Gah! At the very least, being unable to escape John’s snoring would be a real problem. LOL! Happy Thanksgiving!
Such a simple way to put gratitude for life, “I am just grateful to be me.” You reminded me of a song I love… It’s from The Muppets, of course, the Wishing Song. I sing it whenever I am blue to remember all there is to be grateful for- “now most of all I know that I am happy to be me!” Thank you for joining the #ShareGratitude hop.
I would say that is a LOT to be grateful for. I’m so envious of you and your lifestyle. But above all I’m happy that you are happy. :-)
What a great life you have with your hubby and the pups! I totally get it. It’s my dream to retire someday, sell our house, and buy an RV. I’m not sure my hubby shares that dream though. That’s OK, I do love our home and we have a good life here.
You are very lucky that you and Al are so talented and able to do what you do. Nothing is perfect, but if you are happy and grateful, that’s the most important thing!
What a gorgeous post! Roxy’s red nails look so cute. Happy birthday, Al!
How wonderful! Many more of us, should be grateful for all that we have. It’s just too easy to take things for granted. A very inspiring post. Thank you, Mary.
It is easy for people to think they need more, and take for granted what they have. We prefer to keep it simple, and happy.
Really enjoy your photography-would like to purchase the horses photograph, but not savvy on where to look for prices. Checking on you from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation-ManuelaMaldonado
Wonderful things to be grateful for… and to live such an adventure together – what a ride!
It’s a wonderful life indeed! I’m sure there are lots of folks who would find my life so boring, but I love it. Who cares what others think? It’s a wonderful thing to be loving the life you’re living! :)
Thanks for sharing your life. You are very courageous. What a beautiful post!
from MatildasJourney.com
Oh Mary! What an awesome post!! Happy Birthday to your husband!! I just love each and every picture you have shared. I am grateful to have met you through Blogville!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug
Thanks so much. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours.
Beautiful post and incredible photos! Not gonna lie, some of them brought tears to my eyes, the horse photo mostly. What an incredible experience that must have been! I think the way you’re living your life is very beautiful.
Thanks for sharing and joining the hop! Happy Thanksgiving!