
Small treasures in unexpected places — 10 Comments

  1. That would be a dream having someone sit down and show us how to use photoshop better. That photo is amazing!

  2. Amazing sculpture (as always.) You and Al are a very talented pair.
    The picture with the 3 horses turned out very nicely – great capture of a moment.

  3. Hello, I love the horses and the background! The edited version is pretty. I agree it is great to support the small business owners. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. Amazing! Love how you show both photos — and the end result is even better given it came with such a generous gift of someone’s time and talents!

    Al’s sculptures are stunning. Wow!

  5. Oh I wish I had such a nice pro on my side too…. there are a lot of things on my cam I never used and I bet I could learn a lot…

  6. Wow, what you did with the horse photo is really something! I’m glad you found that little treasure, and we also hope that his business is a success. I think customer service is a dying art, and shouldn’t be, so how wonderful to know it is still alive and well!

  7. I would really love to figure out Photoshop. I have a copy at work but it’s such a daunting task for me that I haven’t even tried. The photo looks super cool! I’m guessing that you used the grass background to duplicate it and covered the horses instead of cropping them out. Is that how it’s done?

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