So many moose photos to share
So many moose photos to share
I have so many moose photos to share with you guys, so I hope you make it through them all. This is quite a few photos, so I’ll keep the words to a minimum. Our internet is not so great here, so writing a blog post is very time consuming, hence the reason for a backlog of photos. These images are from various days of the past week.
This year is weird for moose photography. The big bulls that are normally around, and fairly easy to find are gone. Sad to know they died, but such is life in the wild. So, trying to get moose photos this year is proving way harder, and taking way more work. The upside to that is, so far it’s been Al and I, and my friend Mike that lives here out doing the work to find them. We are putting in miles, and hours and it’s paid off a few times.
These two have been hanging out together. That will all change soon, once they get serious about the girls.
My friend Mike names all the bulls, which is great because it helps us to identify who’s who. He named this guy Shoshone, and so far he’s the biggest guy around. That’s him in the photos above too. Check out Mike’s Blog, Best of the Tetons. He has great stuff all year long, and also does photo tours.
We found Shoshone early one morning and these are my favorite images so far this year.
Damn he’s a good looking guy.
He gave us a nice river crossing photo op too.
That evening we hiked into the same general area, and found his buddy Teewinot.
Shoshone in the very early morning crossing the river. We had a storm during the night, and it was cold in the morning making the river foggy. And awesome.
Different morning, and a nice cow moose. There were actually 2.
The three of us hiked in trying to find the bulls one evening, and shortly after finding them a thunderstorm hit. It poured for about 30 minutes. I’m not sure why Shoshone put his head up like this in the rain.
Then the magic happened. I was so excited…..rainbow, and moose. What an evening it was.
Another morning, a different bull. This guy must have stripped his velvet the day before.
And finally, Firecracker. This little bull earned that name last year, and is still pretty unpredictable and feisty. Oddly, this image was shot in the middle of the afternoon, which never happens.
So far I’m pretty happy with the images I’ve got. We are hoping to find Shoshone when he’s stripping his velvet, but he’s disappeared the last couple days.
Well, that catches you guys up with all the goings on. I have been posting different stuff on the Tales From the Back Road Facebook, and Instagram too. I posted a couple shots I got of a coyote swimming across the river the other night. That was a cool thing to see for sure.
Hello, I love moose. Your photos are just amazing, great series of moose photos. Have a great day and new week ahead.
I love all these photos, but my favorite is the foggy morning river crossing. The fog just adds a mysterious air to everything and you captured it perfectly.
Wow! The photo of the early morning river crossing is amazing! But then, they all are.
Great moose shots. The younger one is real handsome. The beard/goatee on the one is pretty funny looking too.
Wonderful photographs!