So what have the Dogs been up to
So what have the Dogs been up to
I thought the other day, that I haven’t talked about the dogs in a long time. Plus, today is National Dog Day. So what have the Dogs been up to?
Well, they are great. I’m pretty sure they are glad art shows are done for a bit. Those days get long for them. When we do our shows in Teton Village, we can have them with us, but that’s not always an easy solution. Mostly, they hang out in the RV, and we take turns walking them for potty breaks. This year a fellow artist, and really great friend was invaluable in helping with them. They were parked next to us, and she would take them out when when I couldn’t. It was such a nice feeling knowing she could let them out, if we couldn’t leave the show.
Roxy is well into senior dog mode. She’s almost 14, and like anyone who is a senior, showing her age. I don’t think she can hear very well anymore, and her sight is not the best at night. She has lost a lot of strength in her back legs, and can’t go up the stairs, or jump on the couch. Thankfully, she is small and is quite content to snuggle in her blankie on the couch. Walks are short, but she loves being in her backpack and watching the world go by.
I started her on CBD oil last June. What a difference it has made. She has a bad back, and a bad knee, so has been on a small daily dose of Rimadyl for a few years. The vet has been checking her blood, and urine yearly just to make sure the Rimadyl isn’t damaging her kidneys or liver. Anyway, within a few days of starting the CBD, I noticed she didn’t seem to be in as much pain. I stopped the Rimadyl to see what would happen, and now she only gets it if she’s having a bad day. Which has only been once or twice. I’m pretty happy about all that. The oil she takes now is a pet formula my son picked up for me in Vegas. In trying to find dosage info for a dog her size, I found this product from Innovet. Their dosing info was perfect, and I will by this product when I run out.
I did have to put her on an herbal formula to strengthen her bladder. She was having accidents, and a few times urine leakage when she was sound asleep. So far, so good on the bladder strength though. Poor old girl, she is happiest when she is with us, and even though she can’t go on long hikes anymore, she still loves her life.
And then Torrey. My fluffy goofball. She is just happy to be here, anywhere.
She is 100% dedicated to her “pack” and much prefers when we are all together. She is healthy, happy, and too smart for her own good. When we do the shows in Teton Village, they are kind enough to let all the artists stay in one of the large parking lots that’s mostly used in the winter for skiers. Every morning there are paragliders that jump off the top of the mountain, and land in a small field near the parking lot. If I am out with her when they are nearby, she sees them in the sky, and wants to chase them. Thankfully she has a rock solid recall, or she would no doubt find her way to the landing spot. It’s quite hilarious to see, and I did try to get a video but it didn’t work out.
She absolutely loves it when we are here, because she can get all the walks she wants. Morning, and especially evening. She LOVES her evening walkies. Miss creature of habit, this one.
We are still working on her leash reactivity, and she is getting much better. I don’t think she will ever be 100%, but at least now she doesn’t lunge, bark, and turn into a whirling dervish.
So, that’s pretty much it. We keep them happy, and healthy, and they return all that and more.
Roxy and Torrey are so cute. They are great dogs. I am glad they are doing well and are happy dogs. Enjoy your day and new week ahead.
Little Roxy is so sweet. It’s great you can take her along in her pack so she doesn’t miss out on anything. Getting old for any being is a tough thing, but she seems happy. I’m sure Torrey loves the roaming RV life, all the different places she gets to go and explore!
Two of my favorite fuzzy-wuzzies! Glad to hear an update.
It is sooo good to see these adorable babies!!! Torrey’s issues are similar to Dakota’s (Torrey is a herding dog too so I think part of their reactivity, spinning, etc could be in their genes?) Dakota is 11 and a half now and I am noticing aging issues with him too. It makes me sad.
You are lucky to have dogs like Roxy and Torrey. They look like they are thriving. :-)
I notice a big difference with Sampson on the CBD oil, too. I’ve also put him on MovoFlex and I really think it all helps.
It sucks watching them age.
Your furry friends are awesome!
You’re very lucky.
Both girls look great, and we love seeing them! It sounds like Roxy is really doing wonderfully for a senior lady. I’m glad the CBD oil has helped. I wish I had known of it to help my senior girls with their arthritis. I did know with Cricket, but with all the heart meds she was on, we didn’t want to add another thing. She was still happy and active until her last days though and that is the most important thing. Roxy definitely looks content! She is adorable, and Torrey is such a beautiful dog!