
The Colors and Critters of Valley of Fire — 7 Comments

  1. Beautiful photos Mary! Kind of bittersweet without Roxy, but as you said she is with you. Only been to Valley of Fire once. Didn’t see any wildlife as it was just a drive through. These pictures make me want to go back. Just gorgeous. Torrey is such a pretty model.
    Good luck finding propane!

  2. Amazing Shots Mary! I have yet to see a Big Horn Sheep…
    and love seeing Torrey.
    Enjoy seeing your pictures each and every time!

  3. The shots you got of the bighorn (with truly big curls!) and the ewe are outstanding! What a pair. Must have been fun to observe their behavior.
    I was blown away the first time we drove down into that valley. One of those scenes where you literally just gasp at the beauty.
    I took a road trip last year at this time. Camping /sleeping in my Honda Element.
    Everywhere I went (desert Southwest) the temp got down in the 20’s at night… I was not a happy camper. ;)
    Lesson learned, winter is winter no matter where you go!

    PS burrowing owl = my heart!

  4. MARY! You post came up in my inbox, finally! These burro photos, they are among the best. The one I love is where the two are together but you can only see the one in the forefront with the other guy’s ears and BUTT showing…making this one guy appear to have two pairs of ears and two arses! HAAHAH

  5. Your photos are outstanding. I live in NJ and born in NY city so I have never had the opportunity to see wildlife in its natural habitat like this. Amazing!

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