
The Vibrant, and the not so Vibrant — 18 Comments

  1. Oh my, the second one is dramatic and full of MOOD! Now that is something I need to learn to do: LAYERS in Photoshop. The directions I find on Youtube are too confusing for me, but I know that if I played around with this function, it would take my photos to another level, like YOURS! Beautiful work, both the fire and the sky.

  2. Good morning, awesome shot of the fire and I love both of the cactus images. Well done. Enjoy your day!

  3. Mary, your fore photos are amazing; like the real thing, I could stare at them for a long time. Both the landscapes are lovely, but I think I prefer the first one. Happy traveling!

  4. I love the first black and white shot of the cactus, it reminds me of Ansel Adams a personal favorite in the world of photography.

  5. I love the vibrant campfire and the non-vibrant B&W one! I do like it better without the textures… but that’s just me!

  6. I prefer the black and white with the texture overlay. It creates a moody and strong expression. The original is beautiful and, yes, like Charlie writes, have a Ansel Adams feeling to it. But I have seen pictures like this before. The textured version, though, is different and evokes my imagination more than the original.

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