
The wildlife in our neighborhood — 13 Comments

  1. Oh Mary…..that last shot especially is the golden path. It’s like the end of the rainbow, the yellow brick road, the everlasting river. And that MOOSE! teeeheheee….I love their faces, and the sweet grouse and her chickie….yep, the bunnies employ the same, STOP-ACT-LIKE-YOU’RE-A-STATUE-AND-THE-PEEPS-WILL-GO-AWAY method. Nature is grand.

    HAVE FUN! Anita

  2. that was very refreshing. There is a bird where we live called a killdeer that cry and run across the ground with a fake injured wing to distract enemies from their nest. I never knew other birds did this. I love the random look of the grasses and flowers. You must feel so connected to Nature as you walk in those places. Are the starrs at night big and bright?

  3. We would love to see a moose in our neighborhood, but that is not going to happen here. How neat!

  4. It’s fascinating to see how animal parents will protect their young from threats many time their size. I try not to get close enough to wild animals to stir up a panic but I have seen similar protective behavior from kingfishers while kayaking and a barracuda while snorkeling.

    Sounds like you have some wonderful neighbors.

  5. Sage Grouse have been declared “endangered”, I think. So I’m glad you saw that baby. I had a similar encounter with our Dusky Grouse… the babies were so camouflaged that I almost stepped on them. There were 6, and I was scared to move my feet because they were so hard to see. I tiptoed out and didn’t go back for weeks.

    That last photo is a classic! Beautiful.

  6. Wowsers! That’s the perfect shot of an incredible landscape.

    There was a spotted fawn in the yard today, all alone, looking for his momma. :( Poor baby ran across the fields, out of sight.

  7. What a wonderful end to your walk…breathtaking! All of your wildlife is so cool. We used to see moose around here a lot more but not as much lately. I’ve experienced other birds doing the broken wing routine, it’s fascinating (I was never lucky enough to see the babies though!).

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