
Thirsty Milo review — 7 Comments

  1. That looks pawesome! I have a bottle thingy with a tray attached, but it leaks. So mummy started taking a water bottle with a plastic foldable/disposable bowl, but its not flat and all a bit awkawrd. That looks like a much better idea!! Will check it out!

  2. great idea for my dogs. We take them on short trips all the time and I usually have a tuperware bowl I open and let them drink. Its fine but hard to carry.

  3. That looks pretty cool and would probably work really well on our guide dog outings. I like how the thirsty milo is a new spill bowl which would make it great for car rides. I didn’t notice on their website, but do you know if these come in different sizes? My dogs usually drink a lot of water on our outings.

  4. This looks like a great product for anytime someone puts takes their dog in the car! It never hurts to be prepared, even if you only plan to be gone for a short time.

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