
This season in my life — 14 Comments

  1. Seems like you have found the right way of living for you. That’s great—to have found the right season in your life. And you have once again captured it beautifully in these photos.

  2. Good morning Mary! I missed your post yesterday, having been a bit late to work so I had to run.

    But your photography poetry slows my pace, and that is a GOOD THING. That is where I am ate in this season of my life, caught in between the necessity to continue to work but in a fast pace world with a slow-paced desire to take in each day. The sunshine and how light plays in my life is what I want to focus on, and like you, I am enjoying solitude. I still have to get my dose of companionship with my husband and a friend or two, but having just enough time with MYSELF has become more and more important.

    Your photos yet again inspire. I have so much to learn about Photoshop, let alone my camera, but I am making strides. How I LOVE THAT BLUE SKY you created!

    Enjoy a quiet day of inspiration, Mary!

  3. It is something special when you reach that point in life where you know who you are, when you realize you are comfortable with who that is…Love your photo series.

  4. I’m sure this way to live gave you the eye for the uncommon things and for the details… and for seeing the beauty in common things and the hidden beauty :o)

  5. Hello, lovely images and scenery. The sky captures are beautiful. Hubby and I are much like you, we prefer the less crowded places. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  6. I can totally relate and enjoy my solitude. The RV Park thing gets to be a little much for me. I just received an email from friends yesterday encouraging us to head to Death Valley NOW. We have commitments so I’m counting on you to share her blooming glory… a SUPER bloom!

  7. My mom is happy to hang out with just us pets most of the time. She has a few friends she meets up with now and then, but has never been one to like a lot of people around.

  8. Your life is so vastly different from mine. I’m tied to my location by family, friends, work, finances and history. I often try to imagine living life on the road, traveling all the time, and I just can’t. But it must be a very interesting life.

  9. I’m in a similar season of my life, although I don’t live on the road… Truly gorgeous skies and great panoramas. I’ve never done one of those. I’ll have to try it!

  10. We docked near a professional photographer we’ve enjoyed getting to know (David E. Bell). He’s planning a panorama that he’ll create using pictures taken every hours from noon to midnight. Apparently he’s been planning this shot for decades and the technology has just caught up.

    It’s amazing what kinds of shots you can get today that weren’t even possible a few years ago.

    Loved your sky pics.

  11. They’re beautiful (like always) I’m glad you’re way of life works for you. Personally I’m not sure I’d mind it, I would just be concerned about Drs, Vets etc. Oh and money, where would my money come from? LOL

  12. I can so relate to the craving for solitude! That is the main reason we are selling our house and moving. We are not moving far but we are moving to where we will have 17 acres of our own land to enjoy. I love to hang with my sisters/family, and some close girlfriends, but other than that I’d rather be home with the dogs and hubby and no one else.

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