Thursday thoughts with Torrey – Yellowstone
What we saw in Yellowstone
Tuesday we left Jackson Hole and headed for Cody, WY. The only way to get from there to here, is going through Yellowstone park. Which is very cool because it’s so pretty. This time of year traffic is very light, but it still takes forever because you have to drive so slow. We stopped at a great spot that was beside Yellowstone lake, I had given mom the signal that I really needed to potty.

Beautiful photos! Love that part of the country :-)
It looks great! Mom says that if the driving is so slow, maybe you could get out and just walk along the RV as it drives ;) Nothing worse than slow driving! Mom still misses the autobahn, she enjoys speed.
LOL…I don’t think we were going THAT slow. That thought has crossed my mind before though.
Did someone say “CODY???” MOL MOL MOL!!
Yep, the town named after you! You’re famous.
Great photos! Makes me so nostalgic. About twenty-five years ago, I camped right next to that lake! :)
Tootsie’s Mom (and Tootsie)
I would poop or pee my pants if I saw a Grizzly bear while out for a walk and there would be no signal.
What a great life you are living!
BABY ELK BONES?!? That’s actually pretty cool.
Holy POOP! Look at that pile! It is HUGE!!!! BOL The lake looks lovely and you can really see the wind was blowing, what with your furs blowing around Torrey. You all travel to such beautiful places.
*Cairn cuddles* to all,
Fun! I’ve always wanted to go to Yellowstone. I had planned a trip once but thought dogs weren’t allowed. Is it just that they aren’t allowed in certain areas? Or was it okay because the dogs stayed in the RV (for the most part)?
Ya, no dogs in Yellowstone. )-: We were in the RV except that one little potty break at the lake, which might have been a no-no too.
What a gorgeous spot!
That’s some BIG poop! I like how you can’t tell its windy except for Torrey! Love Dolly
She does get that wind blown look.
What a beautiful place for a rest stop. Holy bear poop…..good thing you didn’t run into that guy!
Beautiful shots! Well, except the poop. That is one heck of a pile! Good thing Roxy didn’t step in it. She’d have fallen in.
Wow, that pile really was as big as Roxy!!!! I’ve always wanted to go to the Yellowstone area at this time of year. Lucky you!
Boy, I can really see the wind in your hair, Torrey! That bear poop pile is pretty impressive.
Holy bear crap!! That really is as big as Roxy!
Sure looks like a beautiful place.