
Thursday thoughts with Torrey — 21 Comments

  1. What fun!!! You found all of those beautiful rocks!! They are gorgeous!! Love the little yellow flowers too. I’ve been wondering….do you ever see snakes out while you are hiking? That’s one of the things that is a bit scary to me!

  2. Thanks for sharing the color! And what a faithful dog – waiting so patiently. Amazing what humans will cart home, isn’t it :-)

  3. Mom wanted me to ask if you ever see snakes out there? She would be afraid of running into rattlers. You better also be careful about that rock collecting. Someday you may find yourself wearing a doggie backpack so you can carry her rocks :) Looks like a fun walk and better than going to the city for sure!

  4. Have you seen any horned toads? Reggie almost killed our rabbit the other day. Mike and I were out playing with the dogs in the back and didn’t realize cotton was under the trailer. She ran and that was all Reggie needed to chase the poor rabbit almost to death! Ollie stayed still and watched with me in horror as I was yelling Reggie I will kill you! Get back here you @!$*)_!!^&*)! Dumb Reggie! Call the Dog Whisperer!

  5. Hi Y’all,

    Just stopped by to catch up with y’all! Looks like a fun place to hike; maybe a bit hot. Do y’all have much problem with rattlers around there?

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. I share your mom’s interest in rocks, Torrey. I’ve found some unusual specimens during hikes, my favorite was a big sparkling hunk of pink quartz. And I agree with her evaluation of “cities” – I don’t like them either, I’d rather be hiking any day! All the photos of you are beautiful (how can they not be with you as the subject?!), but we love that first one! :D

  7. Oh I love Thursday’s Thoughts with Torrey, that you called it the big shitty, that the photo says “the little dog laughed” (perfect caption by the way) all the beautiful photos and that you joined the blog hop!! Thank you so MUCH!!

  8. I love the “Little Dog Laughed”! It is just adorable. What beautiful scenery you have in that area. Great place for a walk! I have never seen natural turquois either … very cool.

  9. Thanks so much for joining Barks and Bytes. :) What a fabulous walk. I don’t think you should be too hard on your mom for stopping to pick up such pretty rocks. :)

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