Thursday thoughts with Torrey
Thursday thoughts with Torrey
Mom says she knows what i’m thinking most of the time, she could be right. But don’t all of us dogs think the same?

Mom says when I squeeze under the table, I am in my cave. I don’t see a problem here.

Mum said she’s going to buy me one of those, I have like 100 balls but that looks fun xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
I love my frisbee, it’s soft and rubbery and so much fun.
You are just the sweetest pup ever Torrey! I like your cave too! Where’s your buddy today? Really cute pix and Torrey always looks sooo perfectly groomed!
Ya mom brushes me a lot so I don’t get matted. She thinks that’s important. BOL
Super cute! To be honest, I am not a frisbee kinda guy, I much prefer a ball. My “man cave” is under the coffee table! BOL! Have a great day!
Every dog must have a spot of their own.
Love your thoughts. Mom’s last dog was a Frisbee lover, my sister and I not so much.
I like the rubbery frisbee because I can shake it.
Torrey, you really made Mom and I smile this morning! I am glad you have a mom who truly gets you!
If I made someone smile, then my job is done here.
Morning moments with Mary:::: Well Ollie is digging a gain but its because we have gophers tunneling in the yard. Uncle Mike just got the back yard looking spiffy and this happened. Its really not a hole but a pit! Anyway I had a great idea!!!!!! An idea to help the dogs learn how to fetch with out exhausting myself who ends up retrieving the ball. Well I thought if I tie a ball to a rope and throw it I could pull the rope and ball up with out having to pick it up. So far so good, right? Nope they just laid down and watched me throw it and pull the rope up. I took the rope off the ball and threw it and sure enough they went and got it and started chewing it I slapped my hands on my leg and yelled for them to bring it to me. They just stared at me! They will not fetch anything for me. They just play with each other. Any ideas out there?
Hmmmmmm… think the same thoughts I do! :)
Hap-Pee Thursday!
Well, of course. BOL
I like sitting under the table too, sometimes food drops :-)
Yep, it’s so true.
Some dogs are just born thinkers! :)
Lovely thoughts! Maya and Pierson love their Kong Flyer, but neither of them can catch it in the air. Can Torrey?
She loves her kong flyer, and sometimes she can catch it.
Loved your thoughts!
Wowwie! I LOVE my frisbee! I got my first one this summer and I love, love, love it too!
And you sure look like a fun puppy to play with!
Cinnamon at the Cat From Hell!
I love to play, we could play frisbee together.
Torrey! Are you really a blonde?
LOL, sometimes.
Missed you at BlogPaws. Please come to Vegas! Cute photos.
I am so sad about missing this year. I will be at Vegas for sure!!
My first Cardi, Dylan, loved his frisbee so much, he would actually swim under water to get it when he dropped it in the nearby stream he used for cooling off.
Freedom, Casper, Nikki & Twinkie like it when I can read their thoughts. Makes me a better servant.
Now there you go, that’s what makes dogs happy.
Too cute!
Hmmm, so many thoughts…so little time, especially when there are so many thoughts about food and toys. BOL
*Cairn cuddles*
Always the thoughts about food…..always.
Torrey you are so cute! Teddy’s favorite place is under the table too!
It’s a good spot, always.
I’d say your thoughts seem pretty in line with what my dogs are usually thinking, Torrey! Those are definitely all good thoughts, and great photos too.
Keeping the Frisbee is sometimes a thing Elka likes trying. Or she just wants to make sure it’s good and “dead”, and so safe to give me!
Good thoughts are the best Torrey :)
Hahaha, that’s adorable. Torrey sure loves her frisbee. At least, in your mind she does. Maybe she hates it and wants to tear it apart ;)
In my mind, Beamer is a literary genius. He just can’t express himself because he can’t speak or have thumbs. It’s a tragedy, really. In reality, Beamer probably only has one thought. “Food. Food. Food. Food. Food.”
Those are great thoughts! :-)
Let the hoomins think what they will…i read the secret messages in your eyes Torrey…your thought are profound :)
neither one of my dogs really dig the frisbee, I sometimes wish they did!